The Agriculture Education payment is paid to secondary schools with an official agriculture department to assist with costs associated with providing an agriculture curriculum.
The Agriculture Education payment may be used:
- to offset the day-to-day running costs of agriculture departments
- for ongoing development of infrastructure, facilities and resources
- for professional development of teachers
- as a contribution to the sinking fund to be held in reserve to buffer the agriculture department against effects of 'natural phenomena'.
Duration of program
State high schools and secondary departments with an existing officially approved agriculture department.
Allocation of funds
Fixed amount paid to eligible schools.
Payment details
Semester 1 | February | 50% of annual allocation |
Semester 2 | July | 50% of annual allocation |
Data requirements
Area of Agriculture Centre (farm plots)
| Infrastructure Services Branch / schools to advise School Financial Resourcing of any changes to areas
How to apply
Schools with an existing officially approved agricultural department do not need to apply. Entitlements will automatically be calculated and paid each semester.
Policy Enquiry
Statewide Operations
Phone: (07) 3328 6578
Payment Enquiry
School Financial Resourcing
Phone: (07) 3034 5817
An enquiry form is available for departmental employees. For external enquiries, please email