To assist Kelvin Grove State College to contribute to the operating costs the Queensland Ballet Academy Program as per the 2021–2025 Queensland Ballet Academy at Kelvin Grove State College Operating Agreement with Queensland Ballet.
This is a specialist, world-class ballet training program for students enrolled at Kelvin Grove State College delivered through a partnership between the Department of Education, through Kelvin Grove State College and Queensland Ballet. The program and provides talented students in year levels 7–12 the opportunity to pursue professional ballet training while completing academic studies.
A new purpose built facility, on site at Kelvin Grove State College, opened to students in Years 10–12 in January 2020. The program will be extended to Years 7–9 from 2021.
Duration of program
Kelvin Grove State College
Allocation of funds
The department will provide Kelvin Grove State College with funding and a staff allocation to the to assist with the operating costs of the Queensland Ballet Academy program on site.
The resource allocation comprises:
- 1.85 full-time equivalent (FTE) staff allocation for Kelvin Grove State College timetable extension
- $16,755 for operation of the Kelvin Grove State College bus for the purposes of the program
- $416,142 operational costs.
The Queensland Ballet Academy facility, at Kelvin Grove State College, is operated under a lease agreement with Queensland Ballet. The lease period is for 10 years commencing in 2020.
Payment details
How to apply
This appropriation is only available to Kelvin Grove State College. No application is required to receive this funding. The funding will continue for the duration of the 2021–2025 Queensland Ballet Academy at Kelvin Grove State College Operating Agreement.
Further information
For further information, please visit the
Queensland Ballet Academy page or use the contact details below.
Kelvin Grove State College
Phone: (07) 3513 6674