To support home tutors of students enrolled at Queensland's schools of distance education (SDE). The program aims to develop the knowledge and capability of home tutors that will support children's reading, writing and numeracy linked to the Australian Curriculum and is being delivered through Schools and Student Support.
Funding is being provided to each of the SDEs to support the capability development of staff in supporting reading, writing and numeracy development in the early years. A key component of this support is through professional learning events for home tutors of SDE students who reside in rural and remote areas. The professional learning package and accompanying resources is specifically aimed at assisting home tutors to support their student's reading, writing and numeracy.
Duration of program
Eligible schools of distance education are:
- Cairns School of Distance Education
- Charters Towers School of Distance Education
- Capricornia School of Distance Education
- Mt Isa School of the Air
- Charleville School of Distance Education
- Longreach School of Distance Education.
Allocation of funds
Each year, for the duration of the program, a proportion of the programs budget is allocated to the host SDE to support the costs of a reading and writing Head of Department and program implementation. This includes funding to support employment and travel by the Head of Department to SDE locations.
Funding may be allocated to participating SDEs to support their participation in the program. Participating SDEs may be reimbursed through appropriation payments for travel-related costs (e.g. transport, accommodation and meal costs) and Teacher Relief Scheme (TRS) costs to cover a replacement for teachers who travel to program activities.
Payment details
Monthly payment | In line with monthly payment schedule | 100% |
Data requirements
Employment of Head of Department by host SDE | Participating schools | Each semester |
Evidence of expenditure for travel-related costs and training | Participating schools | As required |
TRS days used | Participating schools | As required |
Recoupment policy
Funds are paid based on the participation of the host SDE and participating SDEs to access program activities. Recoupment may be sought where the host SDE withdraws from the program.
Further information
For further information, please refer to
rural and remote education.
How to apply
Schools do not need to apply for these funds. Entitlements are automatically determined and paid.
Rural, Remote and Strategic Initiatives
Phone: (07) 3055 2808