To assist schools with the administration and management of tenancies arising from employee housing in rural and remote locations in the following regions:
- Far North Queensland
- North Queensland
- Central Queensland
- Darling Downs South West
- North Coast.
Duration of program
State Schools and Education Units are eligible where a Local Accommodation Committee (LAC) administration is conducted (317 schools maximum).
Allocation of funds
The total budget in 2024–25 is $1,198,974.
Program funding is managed by individual regions to ensure that expenditure and fund balances in schools are managed as efficiently as possible for the approved purpose; and may expend funds directly as an alternative to appropriations to schools. Notional Funding is allocated based on the number of residences, with some variation for remoteness based on transfer ratings, staff turnover, multi-tenancies and condition of facilities.
LAC funds are held in trust by the school for small maintenance actions on departmental accommodation. Further funds are provided only when previous funds have been expended appropriately and expenditure is coordinated with the LAC, with the principal of the school administering the funds as the accountable officer. Payments can be more than once per financial year.
For instructions on how the funds are expected to be used, refer to the further information section below.
Please contact the infrastructure manager, should expenses be incurred for health and safety inspections, cleaning and minor repairs for residences which are vacant for a long period.
Payment details
Payments to schools under this program are negotiated with their infrastructure managers on a needs basis. Any payment made will be in-line with the scheduled monthly payment runs.
Ad hoc
| In line with monthly payments
| 100%
Data requirements
Number of residences | Region | As required |
Detailed transaction listing | School | As required |
Balance of funds | School | As required |
How to apply
Schools do not need to apply for these funds. Local Accommodation Committees liaise with schools who administer these funds on behalf of the committees and regional officers as required to determine funding needs.
Further information
Should you require any further information, please contact your
regional office.