To assist schools with refugee students, especially those with complex learning, social and psychological needs.
Types of possible activities:
- language tuition
- homework assistance
- counselling
- interpreter services
- job preparation
- intensive teaching or teacher aide support
- development of supporting educational materials (online) that can be used state-wide.
Duration of program
Schools with refugee students.
Allocation of funds
Funds are allocated to the seven regions based on the number of 'weighted' refugees per region. The weightings are calculated on the number of refugees classified as being either 'New Arrivals'; '1st year (not new arrivals)'; '2nd year'; and '3rd year'.
Regions then manage these funds on the following basis:
Metropolitan South region
- Program funding is distributed to schools with eligible refugee students.
- Program funding is used to provide regional services, including staffing and resourcing of specific initiatives.
Metropolitan North region
- Program funding may be distributed to schools based on OneSchool refugee student enrolment data.
- Program funding may be used to provide services at a regional level, including staffing and resourcing of specific initiatives.
South East region
Program funding is distributed to schools based on OneSchool refugee student enrolment data.
Darling Downs South West region
Program funding is distributed to schools based on OneSchool refugee student enrolment data.
North Coast region
Program funding is distributed to schools based on OneSchool refugee student enrolment data.
Central Queensland region
Funds are distributed to schools with refugees based on OneSchool student enrolments and identified need.
North Queensland region
Funds are distributed to designated refugee schools based on student numbers and identified need.
Far North Queensland region
Funds are distributed to designated refugee schools based on student numbers and identified need.
Payment details
Payment timelines and proportions will depend on individual regional methodologies.
Data requirements
Relevant student data (for regional budgets) | OneSchool | Form is submitted on enrolment or transfer of eligible student or on cessation of support for the student |
How to apply
Schools can contact their local region to determine if they are entitled to any funding under this program.
Central Queensland
Phone: (07) 4842 8300
Darling Downs and South West
Phone: (07) 4616 3771
Far North Queensland
Phone: (07) 4037 3822
Metropolitan North
Phone: (07) 3634 0500
Metropolitan South
Phone: (07) 3028 8052
North Coast
Phone: (07) 3203 9000
North Queensland
Phone: (07) 4758 3222
South East
Phone: (07) 5656 6688