The following are suggested celebration activities.
School–community events
- Morning teas for former students/teachers from 1930s, 1940s, 1950s, 1960s onwards.
- Talks by former students to class groups about
- teachers, inspectors
- subjects and teaching methods
- exams
- project clubs
- discipline
- getting to school
- playground games and equipment
- special days including Arbor Day, sports' day, breaking-up day
- animals in the playground e.g. horses, goats, snakes, magpies.
Student activities
- Develop questions for interviews with past students/teachers.
- Write up findings.
- Appoint a writer-in–residence to assist student anniversary activities.
- Collect/publish information for a school anniversary newspaper/newsletter.
- Students write district histories as part of local area studies create a nineteenth/early twentieth century classroom leading to re-enactments of earlier school days including lessons in period costume.
- Schedule class visits to the Pullenvale Environmental Education Centre to become part of an historic classroom.
- Learn dances/drills from old syllabuses.
- Class group/year level historical presentations.
- Provide historical displays to local shops/shopping centres to encourage interest in the school anniversary.