Teaching, Leadership, Rural and Remote developed the
Curriculum into the Classroom (C2C) materials to support Queensland state school teachers deliver the Australian Curriculum.
C2C is a comprehensive set of whole-school and classroom planning materials for single-level and multi-level classes. The materials reflect the diverse needs of Queensland students including those in rural and remote areas, small schools, students enrolled through the schools of distance education and students with diverse learning needs and abilities.
C2C has been designed as a starting point for school curriculum planning and can be adapted to meet individual student learning needs and to suit local school contexts.
C2C for state schools
Queensland state schools can find more information by searching for ‘Curriculum into the Classroom’ in OnePortal. They can also access the materials via OneSchool and Download Manager.
C2C for non-state schools
Modified C2C materials are also available to Queensland independent and Catholic schools via Scootle, the national digital learning repository managed by Education Services Australia on behalf of all Education Ministers.
For further information about accessing the materials, please contact your school principal, sector office or your local diocese.