It is a requirement of the
Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes (the Code) that Animal Ethics Committees:
- conduct follow-up reviews of approved projects and activities and allow the continuation of approval for only those projects and activities that are ethically acceptable and conform to the requirements of the Code
- monitor the care and use of animals, including housing conditions, practices and procedures involved in the care of animals in facilities.
Members of the Queensland Schools Animal Ethics Committee (QSAEC) conduct site inspections of facilities for which animal ethics approval(s) have been granted. By carrying out these inspections, the QSAEC can be assured that the general welfare of the animal(s) is considered and that the animal use activities are being conducted in accordance with QSAEC approval. This ensures that schools are compliant with the animal welfare legislation.
Before the inspection
Arranging the inspection
Initial contact will be made with the school to arrange a suitable date and time for the inspection to take place. The preferred date and time of the inspection is generally scheduled no sooner than 4 weeks after the initial communication. This will allow enough time for the QSAEC to ensure that inspectors will be available to attend the site inspection on the preferred date and time.
Site inspection checklist
site inspection checklist will be emailed to schools after initial contact has been made. This checklist can be made available for staff who have responsibility for animal use activities and will highlight the areas the QSAEC site inspectors may wish to inspect. This checklist is for schools to self-assess their compliance prior to inspection.
Intending inspection form
The intending inspection form will be emailed to the principal of the school that has been selected for a site inspection. This form must be completed and returned to the QSAEC at least 1 week prior to the inspection.
After the inspection
Inspection report
Schools that have had a QSAEC site inspection will receive a copy of the QSAEC report, once it has been endorsed by the committee at a scheduled meeting. Schools must ensure that this report is included in its
school-based animal activity register.
Follow up inspections
In some cases, the QSAEC may request a follow up inspection. The school will be contacted to arrange a suitable date and time for the follow up inspection. Recommendations for improvement will be supplied to the school prior to this follow up inspection.