
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) in Queensland state schools


Generative AI

Generative AI refers to a branch of artificial intelligence that uses data it has been trained on to generate new content, such as text, images, videos, software code, or even music, resembling what humans can produce.

Embedding future-focused learning practices

The department’s Equity and Excellence strategy focuses on preparing the students of today for a more diverse and global world. It aims to unlock students’ potential to become healthy, productive, life-long learners and job-ready citizens. The system initiative of digital innovation in teaching and learning commits to embedding future-focused learning practices that connect students and teachers across Queensland.

The ethical and responsible use of current and emerging generative AI tools can contribute towards our common goal of ensuring that all Queensland students realise their potential.

We aim to leverage innovations to connect young people to learning in ways that inspire them and prepare them to fully participate in a diverse and digitally enabled society.

Australian Framework for Generative AI in Schools

Education Ministers from all Australian states and territories have agreed that responding to the risks and harnessing opportunities from generative AI technologies is a national education priority.

The Australian Framework for Generative Artificial Intelligence in Schools (the Framework) aims to provide guidance on the ethical and safe use of generative AI in schools in ways that benefit students, schools, and society.

Generative AI tools

Generative AI tools can contribute towards delivering future-focused learning practices that connect students and teachers across Queensland.

Teachers remain instrumental in leading learning, including helping students developing the critical thinking skills and creativity so students can use generative AI safely, ethically and responsibly for learning.

Generative AI tools provide opportunities for teachers including:

  • creating and customising content
  • assisting with administrative tasks / improving operational efficiencies
  • designing formative assessment activities
  • analysing data efficiently
  • checking for understanding
  • creating resources to support differentiation
  • providing feedback.

Generative AI tools provide opportunities for student learning including:

  • personalising learning based on individual student needs
  • improving accessibility
  • engaging learners
  • idea generation
  • checking for understanding
  • providing feedback.

Support your child

When considering your child’s use of generative AI tools, you should keep the following in mind.

  • Privacy: Always be mindful of the data your child shares and advise them to avoid disclosing personal or sensitive information, as this data could be stored and used in ways they may not intend.
  • Security: Ensure that your child is using secure and reputable platforms, and keep all software up-to-date to protect against vulnerabilities.
  • Age and access: Before accessing any generative AI tools, you need to consider each tool’s terms and conditions.
  • Reliability: Ensure your child is aware that while generative AI tools can generate convincing responses, they are not always accurate. Their results should be carefully reviewed. Guide your child to always double-check the outputs and critically assess the generated content.
  • Your child’s learning needs: Although generative AI tools can be powerful aids in learning, they should be balanced with other forms of learning such as reading, hands-on experiences and social interactions.

The following resources can support you in making informed decisions about the use of generative AI.

The department is currently working in partnership with schools to provide guidance and develop resources to support the operationalisation of the Australian Framework for Generative ​AI in Schools.

Last updated 16 July 2024