As part of their commitment to narrow the digital divide, the Queensland Government is investing $152 million over the next 4 years to fund the Student Technology Equity Partnership (STEP) initiative. This investment will fund up to 140,000 digital devices to provide students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds with equitable access to technology. This investment will add to the more than 42,300 devices already deployed since 2020 through the Devices for Financially Disadvantaged Students scheme.
The STEP initiative is designed to support state schools in the communities that need it the most—those facing tougher economic and social conditions. Device quotas for schools have been determined by using the Index of Relative Socio-economic Disadvantage (IRSD), created by the Australian Bureau of Statistics from the latest census data.
In line with the initiative’s goals, lower decile schools in communities experiencing greater financial disadvantage will be able to purchase more devices relative to total student enrolments than higher decile schools.
Device availability
This is an opt-in initiative. Principals, in consultation with their local school communities, will make decisions about participation after consideration of a variety of factors relating to readiness, including the school’s existing ICT devices and programs; budgets; online learning approaches; infrastructure; and device lifecycle management.
Schools can commence purchasing devices from February 2025. The STEP team is working on a suite of materials to help support schools to engage with the initiative. Principals will consider the information and consult with their school communities to determine how and when to participate in the initiative. Further information will be provided once it is available.
This is a 4 year initiative. Principals are afforded flexibility to consider when, over this time, they will participate.
Information for families without home internet
Students without home internet may be eligible for the Australian Government's
School Student Broadband Initiative (SSBI) which provides free home internet up until December 2025. Nominations for SSBI were open until 31 December 2024. Families can nominate for this Australian Government initiative through the National Referral Centre by phone—1800 954 610.