To ensure all Queensland state schools have access to a secure, reliable and personalised information and communication technology (ICT) learning platform.
This ongoing resourcing for IT support will give schools the certainty of funding to allow them to offer permanency for existing staff or to continue other existing arrangements.
Duration of program
All state schools, including outdoor and environmental education centres
Allocation of funds
Funding for this appropriation is calculated in the following way:
School of Distance Education (SDE)
SDE schools will only receive funding for this appropriation when their enrolments exceed the following enrolment requirements:
- Brisbane SDE—for all enrolments over 2,000
- All other SDE—for all enrolments over 1,000
- Formula = (Total Enrolments – enrolment requirement) * IT support staff rate.
Primary and secondary schools
Primary and secondary schools will receive a minimum allocation equivalent to 50 students.
Formula = Total enrolments [minimum 50] * IT support staff rate.
Special schools
Special Schools will also receive a minimum allocation equivalent to 50 students. To provide a greater equity for the Special schools entitlements, the Special Teaching Staff Full-time equivalent (FTE) will also be used to calculate entitlements.
Formula = (Total enrolments [minimum 50] + Special Teacher FTE) * IT support staff rate.
Detention Centres
Detention Centres will also receive an allocation based on the agreed enrolment numbers supplied by Workforce Resourcing.
Formula = (Total enrolments [minimum 50] * IT support staff rate)
Outdoor and Environmental Education Centres
The Outdoor and Environmental Centres will also receive an allocation based on a minimum of 50 FTEs as these centres do not hold standard enrolments.
Formula = (50 enrolments * IT support staff rate)
Exceptions to formula:
Queensland Children’s Hospital School does not receive this funding.
Payment rate is:
- $85.10 – Maximum (50 or enrolments)
Future years will be indexed by 2.5% per annum.
Payment details
Semester 1 | April | 50% |
Semester 2 | October | 50% |
Data requirements
Census enrolment data | OneSchool | February |
How to apply
Schools do not need to apply for this funding. Entitlements will be automatically calculated and paid.
State Wide ICT Service Delivery
Enterprise Technology Services
Phone: (07) 3034 4394