Equity and Excellence: realising the potential of every student is our plan for every state school student, focusing on educational achievement, wellbeing and engagement, and culture and inclusion. Supporting our students, including students with disability, to engage in education is essential for our young people to thrive and to realise their potential.
We continue to
monitor student outcomes and engagement as we know students who attend school regularly, are engaged in the classroom and progress in their learning are more likely to have better outcomes across their schooling journey.
inclusive education policy outlines our commitment to support students in an inclusive and equitable education system.
All Queensland state school students have a right to attend their local state school, access and participate in high-quality education and fully engage in the curriculum alongside their similar-aged peers, supported by reasonable adjustments.
Who are students with disability?
Disability is defined in the
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwth) and the
Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld). It includes a range of disabilities, including learning disabilities and health conditions. All disabilities, conditions or disorders can have an impact on the student’s functioning at school in a variety of ways. The student’s disability may be lifelong or temporary and strengths, interests and needs will be different for each student and may change for a student during the year and as they grow.
Schools collect information about students with disability in the annual Nationally Consistent Collection of Data on School Students with Disability (NCCD). This collection helps schools to identify, monitor and make reasonable adjustments for students with disability.
You can learn more about the
Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (Cwth) and the Disability Standards for Education 2005 (Cwth) on the
NCCD website and more about the
Anti-Discrimination Act 1991 (Qld) on the Queensland Government website.
Reasonable adjustments resourcing (RAR) allocation
Each state school receives a core allocation of resources and funding to support the learning needs of all students. In addition to the core allocation, RAR allocates additional resources to schools to support students with disability. The resources are allocated to schools, not individual students.
Resources are for
all disabilities, including autism; intellectual disability; vision, hearing and physical impairments; dyslexia; attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; and mental health conditions.
Additional resources are allocated based on full-time equivalent enrolments for:
- students who are recorded in the NCCD as having received adjustments in the highest 3 levels of adjustment (supplementary, substantial and extensive)
- Prep and other new students to the Queensland state education system, where schools anticipate needing to make adjustments in the NCCD's highest 3 levels of adjustments
- students requiring the most intensive adjustments at all times through the department’s Extensive plus category.
More information about RAR is outlined in our
information for students and families fact sheet.
To find out more about the supports provided for students with disability, visit the following pages.