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QLD Education websites
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About us
Reporting, data and research
Budgets, funding and grants
History of education in Queensland
Events and awards
Inclusive education
Students with disability
Gifted and talented education
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
Student health, safety and wellbeing
Student behaviour
Student engagement
Bullying prevention and support
Parents and carers
No excuse for school abuse
Building a positive school culture
Starting at a new school
School information
Activities and sports
Parent and community engagement
Parent participation
Schools and educators
Early childhood
Primary, secondary and special schools
Other education types
Independent public schools
Distance education
Non-state schools
Initiatives and strategies
Strategies and programs
Health, safety and wellbeing
Stages of schooling
Apprentices and trainees
Career pathways
Contact us
State schools regional office contacts
Region maps
Schools directory
QLD Education websites
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Page Content
About us
School holidays and term dates
Future school dates
Queensland school holidays
State schools with extended summer holiday
Staff professional development
Reporting, data and research
School annual report
Asbestos management
Asbestos approach for DoE facilities
Asbestos registers
Reported incident sample testing
Service providers
Australian Early Development Census—Queensland schools
School resources
Community stories
Nationally consistent collection of data on school students with disability
Research Services
Our plan and priorities
Applying to conduct research
How to apply
Research funding
ARC Linkage partnerships
Education Horizon grant scheme
Research forums
Research translation
Projects and publications
Research guidelines
Frequently asked questions
Contact us
Budgets, funding and grants
Grants and appropriations
State schools
Core funding
Targeted funding
Staffing funding
Specific purpose funding
Previously funded programs
Non-state school
Parents and students
Textbook and resource allowance
Other organisations
Student hostels assistance
Non-State Special Needs Organisations Program
Specialist Disability Support in Schools Program
For funded organisations
For schools
How to apply for funding
The Premier's Anzac Prize
This year's program
Last year's tour
Anzac Centenary projects
Premier’s Anzac Prize activities
TJ Ryan Memorial Medal and Prize
History of education in Queensland
A brief history
Chronology of education in Queensland
Female teachers 1860–1983
Directors-General of Education 1876–present
Ministers for Education 1876–present
History topics
School admission and progression age
Oldest state schools in Queensland
Queensland School Readers
'Good Manners' chart
Corporal punishment
Free milk scheme
State scholarship examination
Anzac Day in Queensland state schools
School anniversaries
Writing school history
Celebration activities
Opening and closing dates of Queensland schools
Events and awards
Awards and competitions
Peter Doherty Awards for Excellence in STEM
Premier's Coding Challenge #digitalinnovationqld
Get started
Tools and tips
Winning entries
Anzac and education
International Women's Day
State Education Week
World Teachers’ Day
Principals' Conference
Partner with Queensland education
Inclusive education
Assistive technology
Children and young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
English language support in Queensland state schools
Advice for parents
Guidelines for interpreters in schools
Pregnant and parenting students
Online resources
Cultural and linguistic diversity in education
Students with disability
Supports for students with disability
General information for students with disability
Supports at school for students with autism
Community supports and other information for students with autism
Blindness and vision impairment
Supports at school for students with vision impairment
Community supports and other information for children with vision impairment
Deafness and hearing loss
Supports at school for students who are deaf or hard of hearing
Community supports and other information for children who are deaf or hard of hearing
Health support needs
Supports at school for students with health support needs
Other information about health needs
Intellectual disability
Supports at school for students with intellectual disability
Community supports and other information for students with intellectual disability
Learning disabilities
Supports at school for students with learning disabilities
Community supports and other information for students with learning disabilities
Supports at school for students with neurological conditions
Community supports and other information for students with neurological conditions
Physical impairment
Supports at school for students with physical impairment
Community supports and other information for families and children with physical impairment
Social and emotional difficulties
Supports at school for students with social and emotional difficulties
Other information about social and emotional supports
Speech language communication difficulties
Supports at school for students with speech language communication difficulties
Community supports and other information for children with speech language communication difficulties
Support to non-state schools
Gifted and talented education
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education
Academic programs
Engagement programs
Higher education certificates / tertiary education certificates
Language and culture
Support services and resources
Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property Protocol for the teaching of Aboriginal languages and Torres Strait Islander languages
Student health, safety and wellbeing
Primary healthcare services in schools
Supporting students’ wellbeing and mental health
Information for parents
Information for students
Information for school staff
Support for students and families impacted by global conflicts and refugee crises
Students with diverse needs
Students in care policy statement
Student health
CPR for Life
Drug education and intervention
Head lice
Health support needs
Insect viruses and allergies
Living with bats
Managing excessive heat in schools
Physical activity in state schools
Queensland Health services in state schools
Road safety in and around schools
Smart Choices
Fact sheets
Frequently asked questions
Healthy eating
A healthy start to school tool kit
Success stories
Support and advice
Smart Choices tool kit
Share the dignity
Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program
Sun safety
Supporting students policy statement
Tuckshop Day
Tuckshop Day activities
Student support services
Chaplaincy and student wellbeing officer services
Guidance officers
School based policing program
Youth Support Coordinator Initiative
Student behaviour
Student engagement
Supporting students to stay in school
Supporting re-engagement
Strengthening transitions—Link and Launch
Supporting student engagement
Bullying prevention and support
For schools and educators
For students
For parents and the community
Parents and carers
Choosing a school
Enrolling your child
School Enrolment Management Plans
Enrolment Eligibility Plans
Queensland Academy for Creative Industries
Queensland Academy for Health Science
Queensland Academy for Science, Mathematics and Technology
Queensland Pathways State College
No excuse for school abuse
Building a positive school culture
Starting at a new school
School information
Education facilities in Queensland
Guide to state schools
Life at school
Accident insurance cover for students
Becoming involved
Communication between school and parents
Financial assistance
Hours of operation
Outside school hours care
Student health and wellbeing
Student protection
Students living in rural and remote areas
Supporting students with additional needs
Travelling to school
Literacy and numeracy
Prep to year 2
Years 3 to 10
Years 11 to 12
Literacy and numeracy resources and activities
Reading hints — Prep to Year 2
Reading hints — Years 3 to 10
Reading hints — Years 11 to 12
Reading resources
Do you need help with literacy and numeracy?
National assessment
Parent and carer stories
Additional languages
Supporting your English as an additional language or dialect child
Useful information
School operations
Early and delayed entry to Prep
Religious instruction policy statement
Implementing religious instruction
Implementing other instruction
Faith group considerations
Frequently asked questions
Same day student absence notification
Visa holder fee exemptions
Transport assistance for students with disability
Contact us
Release of student information
You and your school
Preparing your child for school tests
Registration and access
Consent management
Account information
Student information
The internet at school
Student device programs
Why one-to-one
One-to-one models
Information and user guides for BYOx Link
School fees and charges
Student Resource Scheme
Activities and sports
School sports
Parent and community engagement
About the framework
Resources for parents
Parent and Community Code of Conduct
Parent participation
Accounting manual
P&Cs loans — calculator tools
Parent resources
Fun science activities for children and parents
Not Now, Not Ever
Preventing child sexual abuse
Useful websites
School Council Handbook
Use of images and recordings
Schools and educators
Early childhood
About prep
Elements of successful transition to school approaches
Examples of transition approaches
Information for educators
Information for families
Step up into Education
Step up into Education schools
Transition statements
Transition to school
Primary, secondary and special schools
Early years of schooling
New schools
Senior years of schooling
Senior secondary certificate
New senior assessment and tertiary entrance systems
Other education types
Home education
Senior secondary
Forms and resources
Frequently asked questions
HEU data
Outdoor and Environmental Education Centres
Rural and remote education
Rural and Remote Teacher Experience Program
Partners in Learning program
Support for rural and remote school communities
Rural and Remote Education Access Program and other educational programs
Independent public schools
Independent public schools list
Distance education
Distance education history
Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students
Regulation of CRICOS and secondary student exchange programs
Global opportunities
Explore opportunities
China: Lotus Creative Arts Prize
China: Shanghai Sister Cities Youth Camp
Italy: StuditaliA Prize
Japan: Iwasaki Sangyo Business Prize
Japan: Kobe Brisbane Student Program
Japan: Osaka Global Teacher Program
Japan: Osaka World Expo Ambassador Program
Japan: Saitama Global Student Program
Japan: STEM Japan Global Student Program
Japan: Tokyo Experience School
Japan: Tokyo Global Gateway Program
Online: Beginner Language Experience
Online: Global Learning Program
Online: Global Passport
Online: Queensland Future School Leaders Program
Taiwan: STEM Taiwan Global Student Program
Taiwan: Taiwan Teacher Assistant Program
Global competence
Global Engagement News
Sister schools
International secondary student exchange
Information for registered student exchange organisations
Information for students, parents and host schools
Register of student exchange organisations
Non-state schools
Support for families
Initiatives and strategies
Every day counts
For parents and the community
Anxiety about going to school
How can I get my teenager to go to school
Preparing your child for high school
Regular school attendance
Resources for parents
For schools
Engaging the community
The five step approach
Research into school attendance
Case studies
Resources for schools
Homework Centres
School bandwidth upgrade
Student Technology Equity Partnership initiative
Strategies and programs
Equity and Excellence
Our focus areas
Schools making an impact
Educational leadership and teaching expertise
Digital innovation in teaching and learning
Generative artificial intelligence (AI) in Queensland state schools
Educational performance and support
Integrated responses and educational precincts
Revitalised educational infrastructure
Education Futures Institute
Flagship programs
Aspiring Principal program
Beginning Principal program
Early career teachers program
Experienced Principal program
Middle Leader program
Teacher Aide program
School planning and performance
Ministerial Student Advisory Council
Sustainable schools
History of sustainable schools in Queensland
Latest news
Learning resources
Health, safety and wellbeing
Creating healthier workplaces
Health and safety
Managing health and safety
Incidents and investigations
Annual safety assessment
Committees and consultation
Health and Safety Advisor
Health and Safety Representatives
Industrial technology and design (manual arts)
Health and safety risk management
Schools officers
Visitor and contractor management
Safety and hazard alerts
Hazards and risks
Health and safety resources
Managing air quality
Injury management
Rehabilitation coordinator resources
Injury management FAQs
Injury management links
Injury management resources
Employee Assistance Program
Employee Assistance Program FAQs
Health and wellbeing
Influenza (flu) vaccinations
Mental health awareness programs
Courses and training
Legislation and policies
Contact us
Discussion list
Equipment and machinery resources
Advice to parents
English as an Additional Language or Dialect (EAL/D)
Wellbeing of students
Learning resources
Senior schooling
Vision impairment
Deaf and Hard of Hearing
Assistive technology
Intellectual disability
Physical impairment
Physical activity and health
TV programs
learning@home TV
reading@home TV
coding@home TV
Stages of schooling
K–12 curriculum, assessment and reporting framework
Curriculum Activity Risk Assessment (CARA) process
CARA guidelines
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
Digital Technologies in state schools
Instrumental music program
Instrumental music program policy
Queensland schools constitutional conventions
Consumer and financial literacy
Global schools through languages
Water safety and swimming education
Alcohol and other drugs education program
Respectful relationships education
Daniel Morcombe Child Safety Curriculum
Curriculum into the Classroom
International Baccalaureate
Animals in education
Animal information
Categories of animal use activities
Animal ethics and your responsibilities
Animal ethics approval process
Frequently asked questions
Queensland Schools Animal Ethics Committee
Forms and publications
Record-keeping and reporting
Site inspections
Animal welfare legislation
Australian Curriculum implementation
Queensland’s reading commitment
Acceptable use policy
Conditions of use
Privacy statement
Third party statements
Copyright statement
Apprentices and trainees
School to work
Career education
School-based apprenticeships and traineeships
Industry placement for VET teachers
Student work experience
Workplace health and safety
Vocational Education and Training in schools
Career pathways
Higher education
Options for adult learners
Completing your high school education
Finding employment
Preparing for tertiary education
Contact us
State schools regional office contacts
Region maps
Schools directory
Last updated 06 September 2018