
Applying to conduct research


It's important that research in Queensland state schools and other state education sites:

  • benefits education and school communities in Queensland
  • uses an appropriate methodology that's likely to produce valid and reliable results
  • protects the wellbeing and privacy of staff and students
  • has no negative impact on teaching and learning.

Researchers wishing to conduct research within departmental sites, with students and staff, and/or with departmental data will need to submit a research application via the Queensland Education Research Inventory (QERI) to determine that their project meets the above criteria.

Who should apply​

You will need to submit a research application if both:

  • your research will take place on departmental sites, involve the participation of students and staff, and/or use departmental data
  • you intend to publish the research findings beyond the department (i.e. contribute to academic papers, theses, reports, conference presentations or webinars, or be made available online, in a library or in the media).

If your research meets the above criteria, please refer to the how to apply page for more information.

Due to the high number of applications received, the department has introduced criteria for accepting external research applications for departmental review, as follows:

  • single-school, non-sensitive applications—approved at the discretion of the relevant school principal
  • multi-school, non-sensitive applications for schools within a single education region—approved at the discretion of the relevant regional director
  • central applications that
    • do not substantially duplicate previously approved research, except where this is specifically for the purpose of testing previous research outcomes
    • demonstrate strong alignment with departmental research priorities and/or Queensland Government priorities​
    • represent a significant project with support from a funding grant/body, other government agency or key stakeholder.

Advertising research in schools

Research that is not being conducted in a state school or on a state education site can be advertised on a school noticeboard, social media site or in a newsletter to attract voluntary participants and will not need a full research application. If you wish to use this process, please complete the research advertisement in schools form and submit it directly to the school principal/s for consideration.

The school principal will review your form and documentation to decide whether the project is suitable for advertising at their school.

However, if you want further assistance from a school, such as help in recruiting participants, sending out information sheets to parents and/or students, or collecting consent forms, you will need to submit a full research application via the Q​ERI. Any projects seeking access to data will also need a full application form.

Research guidelines

Our guidelines for conducting research provide researchers with information about the application process, including:

  • when a research application is required
  • how to complete a research application form
  • who submits a research application
  • who appraises a research application
  • what factors are considered when appraising an application
  • the approval processes.

Terms and conditions for conducting research

Researchers who complete and submit a research application or research advertisement in schools form will be required to agree to, and will be bound by, the department's terms and conditions for conducting research.

Research applications: appraisals and decisions procedure

The research applications – appraisals and decisions procedure describes how departmental officers appraise and make a decision on a research application submitted to the department for consideration.

Standards for ethical research practice

The principles that guide our research decisions are outlined in the standards for ethical research practice.

Last updated 03 June 2024