The department's Education Horizon research grant scheme funds high-quality local research that aligns with the government's priorities and the department's
research priorities, which are in turn strongly aligned with and underpinned by the department’s
Equity and Excellence: realising the potential of every student strategy.
Queensland researchers with a Queensland-based sponsor organisation are eligible to apply at the time of invitation to their university’s vice-chancellor office.
Education Horizon: First Nations research round
The department is currently running an Education Horizon round targeted to First Nations research.
Under this round, Queensland-based researchers are invited to submit a research proposal to the department that addresses 1 of the following questions:
- What factors are associated with educational success for First Nations students in Queensland state schools and how do each of these factors influence school attendance, achievement, retention and attainment?
- What role do schools play in culture and connection for First Nations students and how does this influence student outcomes?
A funding pool of up to $250,000 will be distributed across the research questions. Research projects may be awarded funding of up to $150,000 and must be between 6 and 18 months in duration. Applicants may submit an application for each research question.
Applications for this round are now closed.
Education Horizon: 2025 round
Details of the 2025 round of the Education Horizons research grants will be shared before mid-2025, including the application form, guidelines, available funding and other eligibility criteria.
Successful grant recipients
Previous Education Horizon grant recipients and details of their projects can be found here: