Digital access and inclusion is one of the most important drivers of positive education outcomes for students. In December 2021, the Department of Education signed a $187 million 5-year agreement with Telstra Corporation to dramatically upgrade the bandwidth across our state schools network to provide greater equity and access to technology.
The contract will also see Telstra invest $109 million in upgrading over 370 exchange service areas across Queensland, benefitting businesses and communities in hundreds of regional and remote areas.
Phase 1 commenced in March 2022 and has successfully increased the average school bandwidth speeds to 1.6 megabits per second (Mbps) per student, surpassing the target of 1 Mbps. This is more than 60 times faster than the previous standard of 25 kilobits per second.
As a result of the upgrades, online learning and immersive technologies are more accessible, supporting student learning experiences and fostering a more inclusive and engaging educational environment.
Phase 2 commenced in 2024 and will increase internet speeds to an average of 5 Mbps for every student by 2026, which is 200 times faster than the previous standard.
As part of this project, 56 schools have been connected to fibre optic for the first time and more isolated communities are utilising newer technologies like low earth orbiting satellites to deliver faster internet where terrestrial options are less practical.