Supporting student health and wellbeing
The Department of Education works actively to support students' health and wellbeing in schools.
supporting student health and wellbeing policy statement provides advice for Queensland state schools to ensure systems are in place to promote and support the health and wellbeing of students when at school or involved in school activities.
Requirements and responsibilities for state schools in regard to student health and wellbeing are included in the following departmental procedures.
In addition, Queensland state schools have access to the following guidelines to support students' health and wellbeing.
Hand washing
Schools promote the importance of effective hand hygiene, including washing hands regularly, especially before and after eating and going to the toilet. For more information on when and how to wash your hands, refer to the
5 moments of hand hygiene poster (PDF, 1.1MB) and the
effective hand hygiene video – transcript (DOCX, 25KB).
Supporting student health and wellbeing policy statement
supporting student health and wellbeing policy statement supports schools to ensure systems are in place to promote and support the health and wellbeing of students when at school or involved in school activities.
Smart Choices
Smart Choices is about offering healthy food and drink choices to students in Queensland state schools, and applies to all situations where food and drinks are supplied in the school environment.
Health support needs
Student’s with
health support needs, including those requiring specialised health procedures, may require schools to make reasonable adjustments to ensure they can safely participate in all aspects of school life including camps, excursions and sporting events. Each student will receive support based on their needs.
Schools provide support for
students with asthma and at risk of anaphylaxis, if required. Schools take steps to reduce exposure to allergens to assist students at risk of anaphylaxis to be safe at school. The
State Schools Nursing Service (SSNS) provides advice and assistance for schools to provide the health support students need.
Queensland Health services in schools
Queensland Health offers a number of services within Queensland state schools, including
vision screening, oral health services and immunisation program.