What is Crunch&Sip?
Crunch&Sip is a time during the school day when students can 'refuel' on fruit and salad vegetables and 'rehydrate' with water. Each day, students bring a piece of fruit or salad vegetables to school to eat during Crunch&Sip. In addition, each student has a small bottle of plain water to drink throughout the day to prevent dehydration.
Crunch&Sip is not a prescriptive program. Schools can choose a suitable time and way for students to participate that fits within their school day and is supported by their school community.
Crunch&Sip may be done at the same time for all classes or individual teachers may decide when it best suits their class. Crunch&Sip doesn't have to be a break where students stop work, it can be done as students continue on with their work and can be done inside or outside the classroom. Schools may also choose to call the program a different name such as Munch&Crunch or Brain Break - whatever works for you!
Download the brochure
Crunch&Sip - Information for parents and educators (PDF, 2.9MB) to share information about Crunch&Sip style programs with your school community.
Why Crunch&Sip?
'Refuelling' and being hydrated can boost a student's physical and mental performance and concentration in the classroom. Results of government research for primary school aged children in Queensland showed that less than one in ten eat enough vegetables and about three in ten do not eat enough fruit. (Source: The health of Queenslanders 2014, Queensland Government 2014).
Implementing a Crunch&Sip program can have a positive impact on students by:
- creating an enjoyable daily routine that increases fruit and vegetable intake
- promoting a positive attitude towards fruit, vegetables and water
- incorporating nutrition education into key learning areas of the curriculum
- supporting the intent of Smart Choices, the Healthy Food and Drink Supply Strategy for Queensland Schools.
Establishing daily habits at school can also increase the likelihood of these habits being followed through at home.
Implementing Crunch&Sip in the classroom
Here are some tips to help teachers implement Crunch&Sip in their classroom.
- Discuss the idea of eating fruit and vegetables and drinking water in the classroom with students. Discussion topics could include the amount of fruit, vegetables and water students currently eat; the importance of fruit, vegetables and water as part of a healthy diet and to help learning; or favourite fruit and vegetables.
- Set some Crunch&Sip rules. Most children love the idea of being able to eat and drink in the classroom and understand that rules need to be established. Include these rules and norms in your start-of-year classroom behaviour discussions.
- Ask parents to supply a clean water bottle and put a serve of fruit or vegetables in the lunch box every day for Crunch&Sip.
- Generate excitement in the classroom by encouraging students to bring their fruit or vegetables and water bottle for Crunch&Sip everyday and model these behaviours.