
Injury management


Injury management is a broad term that encompasses a number of processes for assisting injured employees, including:

For more detailed information on these processes, please see the relevant topics below.

Early intervention

The Early Intervention Program (EIP) is available for early resolution of complex employee health and workplace issues from a supportive and evidence-based perspective. Up to 20 hours of complex case management by an external rehabilitation provider is provided through an EIP. The program aims to prevent and manage work-related physical or psychological injury and illness. Employees with non-work related injury or illness impacting on work performance or capacity for work can also be supported through an EIP.

Early intervention programs can deliver early, safe and sustained return to work outcomes, as highlighted in this case study.

Refer to the fact sheet for further information.


Workplace rehabilitation is a process for assisting injured employees during their recovery to achieve an early, safe and sustained return to meaningful and productive work.

The process and accountabilities for all employees, workplace managers/principals and other key stakeholders are detailed in the department's workplace rehabilitation procedure.

The department has a legislative obligation to provide rehabilitation to employees with an accepted WorkCover claim. Additionally, rehabilitation programs may also be provided to assist employees with non-work related injuries to return to work where operationally reasonable.

Most schools and departmental workplaces have trained Rehabilitation and Return to Work Coordinators who are responsible for facilitating and coordinating appropriate rehabilitation services for ill and injured employees at that workplace.

In addition, each region has Senior Injury Management Consultants, who provide consultancy, advice and coaching on rehabilitation case management.

Useful links:

WorkCover, QSuper and other claims


Employees who sustain work-related injuries can lodge a workers' compensation claim for costs, including medical, hospital, rehabilitation, wages and lump sum payments. WorkCover Queensland assess all claims for compensation, in accordance with the Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Act 2003 (Qld) and Workers' Compensation and Rehabilitation Regulation 2014 (Qld).

Employees can lodge a claim for compensation by phoning WorkCover Queensland on 1300 362 128.

QSuper and other claims

Employees with non-work related injuries can access their sick leave balance, in accordance with the leave entitlements for employees procedure.

Employees who exhaust their sick leave balance may apply to access income protection benefits (PDF, 1MB) to receive a percentage of their wage from QSuper, in accordance with QSuper's eligibility criteria. Employees who sustain permanent disabilities may apply for a disability benefit from QSuper, in accordance with eligibility criteria.

QSuper insurance arrangements for members of Accumulation Accounts have changed in recent years and your waiting period may now be longer.

Further information is available from QSuper on their website, by logging into your QSuper account at member online or by calling 1300 360 750.

Reasonable adjustment

Reasonable adjustment is where adjustments are made to a position, an employment practice, the workplace or work-related environment to ensure equal opportunity for people with a medical condition or disability to perform the inherent requirements of the position.

The department has a procedure that outlines its commitment to reasonable adjustment for employees.

Below are some supporting documents which may assist with decision making and administrative processes relating to reasonable adjustment.

Supporting information and websites

Reasonable adjustments procedure—including:

Australian Human Rights Commission publication—Willing to work: Good practice examples for employers (PDF, 1.3MB)

Medical redeployment

Medical redeployment is a process for placing tenured public service employees who are permanently unable to perform their usual duties due to a medical condition into another suitable role.

Section 107 of the Public Sector Act 2022 (Qld) provides guidance to government department's and employees in relation to the courses of action available following receipt of an independent medical report, obtained pursuant to chapter 3, part 8 of the Public Sector Act 2022 (Qld).

Each case for medical redeployment will be considered on its own merits and informed by specialist medical advice. For further information on this process please contact your regional Senior Injury Management Consultant.

Ill health retirement

If an employee has a medical condition that prevents them from performing the inherent requirements of their substantive position, either permanently or for the foreseeable future, the department may choose to ill-health-retire the employee.

Prior to considering the ill health retirement of an employee, the department first needs to ensure that it has exhausted the options of workplace rehabilitation, reasonable adjustment and medical deployment.

All decisions to ill-health-retire an employee are made in accordance with the Public Sector Act 2022 (Qld). Chapter 3, part 8 of the Public Sector Act 2022 (Qld) provides direction in relation to clarifying employee issues that appear to relate to mental or physical incapacity.

For details of the process that the department follows when considering whether an employee should be ill health retired from their position within the department, visit the Ill health retirement procedure.

Further information can be found at the Public Service Commission website.

Voice injury

Caring for your voice is an important workplace health, safety and wellbeing issue. Safe vocal use is particularly critical for performing the role of a teacher. The department has developed a fact sheet containing practical strategies for minimising voice strain.

Voice Amplifier Program

The department provides personal voice amplifiers for departmental staff with vocal injury or disability. Staff who supply written specialist medical advice (from an Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor or a Speech Pathologist) stating that they require a voice amplifier to perform their role are eligible for a voice amplifier. Voice amplifiers are provided as an asset to schools and are loaned to the employee with the vocal injury or disability. Requests for voice amplifiers with attached medical advice and the name of the school to receive the voice amplifier can be emailed directly to the Organisational Safety and Wellbeing unit for processing at​

Last updated 22 May 2024