The site contains online forms, factsheets, legislation and information on WorkCover Queensland and claiming workers' compensation for work related injuries.
The site includes a range of information, forms and fact sheets on QSuper superannuation benefits, including income protection insurance.
The Workers' Compensation Regulator plays a diverse range of roles including insurer regulator, facilitator of legal and medical resolution, educator and promoter of the workers' compensation scheme in Queensland.
Centrelink is a federal government agency delivering a range of services to the Australian community. The Centrelink website contains information about their services and a range of publications.
Links to specific Injury Management information
Rehabilitation Links
Australian Society of Rehabilitation Counsellors (ASORC)
ASORC is the peek rehabilitation professional body in Australia. ASORC participates in course development and accreditation and sets standards of practice for rehabilitation counselling. -
The Rehabilitation Counselling Association of Australasia
The Rehabilitation Counselling Association of Australasia (RCAA) is a professional body representing the interests of Rehabilitation Counsellors, in the Australasian region, who have completed formal tertiary qualifications in rehabilitation counselling.
Psychological Health Links
Australian Psychological Society
The website of the Australian Psychological Society provides information on a number of psychological health issues, including links to a number of
informative mental health websites. -
DepressioNet is an online resource that provides information, help and support for Australians who are living with depression or who are depressed. The dNet team are Australians from a variety of backgrounds who have personal experiences with depression. -
Beyondblue is a national, independent, not-for-profit organisation working to address issues associated with depression, anxiety and related substance misuse disorders in Australia. -
Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales. Their website contains a range of useful information on mental health issues. -
Black Dog Institute
The Black Dog Institute is dedicated to advancing the understanding, diagnosis and management of depressive disorders.
Physical Injury Links
Voice Strain
- Voice Care Australia
The Voice Care Australia website provides a range of voice care tips and information.
Strains and Sprains
This website provides specific information on the symptoms, causes and diagnosis, treatment options and exercises for musculoskeletal trauma and injuries. -
This website provides useful resources for understanding, preventing and seeking appropriate treatment for back and neck pain, and related conditions. -
SpineUniverse provides information on a range of technologies, services, treatments and research on spinal disorders. -
About.com's Back and Neck/Chronic Pain Webpage
This website provides a number of resources, links and articles relating to back and neck injury and chronic pain.
Australian Pain Society
The Australian Pain Society is a multidisciplinary non-profit organisation made up of representatives from dentistry, psychology, nursing, general practice, other health professionals and the basic sciences. This website includes a number of articles and links to websites relating to chronic pain. -
National Institute of Neurological Disorders & Stroke
Created by the U.S. Congress in 1950, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS) conducts and supports research on brain and nervous system disorders. It's website provides information on a number of disorders.