Health and safety risk management is a process where we do what we can to minimise the risks associated with health and safety hazards at our workplace. The aim is to ensure that no one is injured or hurt by a hazard at work.
Risk management is a systematic process that involves the following four steps:
- identify the hazards
- assess the risk
- control the risks
- monitor and review the safety measures.
There are many instances when a risk assessment should be done. For example, whenever:
- a new hazard has been introduced (e.g. commissioning new equipment item)
- an incident (including a near miss) has occurred
- when a new activity involving significant risk is planned.
The department has several procedures that detail how risk management is to be undertaken for specific activities involving risk. These include: undertaking high risk curriculum activities, going on school excursions, using hazardous chemicals, and doing hazardous manual tasks.
Departmental procedures and guidelines
Managing risks in school curriculum activities External link
School excursions External link
International school study tours External link
Workplace Health, Safety and Wellbeing procedures External link
Managing health and safety risks (PDF, 297KB)
Health and safety risk assessment template (DOCX, 363KB)
Legislation and other links
Work Health and Safety Act
2011 External link (Qld)
How to manage work health and safety risks: Code of Practice 2011 (PDF, 1.0MB) External link
Refer to the
Enterprise Risk Management External link procedure for more information.