Amusement devices (PDF, 442KB)
New Year (formerly back to school checklist) (PDF, 181KB)
Personal protective equipment (PPE) register (PDF, 148KB)
Slips, trips and falls (PDF, 178KB)
Conditional registration of vehicles
Disposal of energy efficient lighting tubes and bulbs
Electromagnetic radiation
End of year clean-up activities
Footwear and safety at work
Health, safety and wellbeing induction
Hearing conservation program
Hearing protection for manual arts, industrial technology and design teachers and teacher aides
Making playground equipment safe
Managing mould
Managing plant and equipment
Microwave ovens
Noise induced hearing loss
Personal protective equipment
Preventing and managing snake bites
Prohibited and high-risk chemicals in departmental workplaces
Radioactive substances
Safe use of laptops
Safety glass in schools
Science laboratory and preparation area safety
Space net playground equipment
Sport and physical activity
Staff health, safety and wellbeing in flood affected areas
Starting pistols and caps
Waste management
Workplace Health and Safety Queensland inspectors
Other fact sheets can be found in the relevant hazards and risks section.
Watch the video External link.