Enrolment Eligibility Plan
Queensland Department of Education provides a number of state education models of delivery to support the multitude of student needs. These include (but not limited to), mainstream primary and secondary schools, special schools, academies, and outdoor education.
Queensland Pathways State College (QPSC) is an alternative schooling model to support vulnerable students with multiple complex needs (referenced below) in the senior years of schooling. A vulnerable student, without targeted supports, can withdraw and disengage from their academic responsibilities (physically disconnects) as well as social interactions (emotionally disconnects) from school. There can be negative risk factors that result from disengagement which impact their academic and social outcomes. These outcomes can have adverse long-term implications for the course of their lives. Therefore, successful engagement with education is fundamental to a positive pathway in a student's life.
QPSC offers a 12-month senior transitions program for young people, in Years 10–12 (minimum age 15 years), who face significant barriers in accessing mainstream education. The senior transitions program includes Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) senior subjects and accredited vocational education and training specifically focusing on literacy, numeracy and careers education through a student-centred learning approach. It is possible for a young person enrolled in the senior transitions program to obtain a Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) but not obtain a traditional Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) for entrance into university. Students wishing to pursue a pathway into university are supported to transition using non-traditional pathways such as territory preparation programs (TPP) or rankings through vocational qualifications.
To help support student vulnerabilities, the college delivers an evidenced informed wellbeing program and support. This includes low student teacher ratios, identification of difficulties through qualified measures, targeted supports and linking with external support agencies. The college actively identifies, develops and facilitates clear pathways to post-school education, training or employment.
QPSC caters for a diverse range of student needs, including young people whose experiences are shaped by:
- mental health
- trauma
- homelessness
- financial hardship
- social isolation
- youth justice involvement
- being a refugee
- substance abuse
- medical conditions
- complex behaviour
- multiple exclusions or cancellations from mainstream schooling
- previous enrolments in multiple schools
- low literacy / numeracy skills
- years out of schooling.
QPSC recognises that mainstream schools have the greatest access to support and services and students who can attend such schools should continue to attend.
However, some adolescents require additional support and an alternative environment to mainstream schooling to stay engaged. QPSC may provide an alternate pathway to success for those students.
There is an enrolment eligibility process to identify students who would benefit from enrolment at Queensland Pathways State College. Students not deemed suitable for enrolment will be referred to their nearest state high school or appropriate educational setting to complete their senior years.
This Enrolment Eligibility Plan (EEP) sets out the requirements for enrolment at Queensland Pathways State College that provides a 12-month program to students in Years 10–12 (minimum age 15 years).
Enrolment capacity
QPSC campuses:
- Bracken Ridge
- Bundamba
- Coorparoo
- Goodna
- Moreton Bay
- Mt Gravatt
- Mount Isa
- Toowoomba
- Townsville.
The educational and targeted support required by students enrolled at QPSC varies from student-to-student.
The provision of such support is informed by factors at each campus that include:
- the physical space
- the educational and ancillary staff
- educational and support resources
- the reasonable provision of educational and targeted support to students already enrolled at QPSC.
Consequently, while the maximum enrolment numbers available at each campus will not exceed 50 full-time equivalent students, the principal considers the cumulative complex needs of all students attending the individual campus to determine when the maximum enrolment number has been reached
Enrolment policy
If the school has not exceeded its enrolment capacity as set out above, a prospective student that meets the general requirements for enrolment and also satisfies one of the specific enrolment criteria as set out in this plan can be enrolled at the school.
Under section 156 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (the Act), a principal must enrol a student if they are entitled to be enrolled.
General enrolment requirements
When enrolling students, Queensland schools follow the processes outlined in the Department of Education's
enrolment in state primary, secondary and special schools procedure.
When considering an application for enrolment, the principal must first be satisfied that the prospective student meets the
general enrolment requirements for state schools.
The principal may refer an enrolment decision to the Director-General if they reasonably believe that a student would pose an unacceptable risk to the safety or wellbeing of members of the school community.
Specific enrolment requirements
- The Queensland Pathways State College principal must be satisfied that the prospective student meets the general enrolment requirements for state schools prescribed in the Act.
- There must be enrolment capacity at the relevant campus.
If there is no available capacity to enrol a student at the relevant campus, the prospective student may be placed on a waiting list and provided placement at the campus if one becomes available. Please note, placement of prospective students from the waiting list is subject to an assessment of priority of need by the principal. It must be demonstrated by, or on behalf of a prospective student to the reasonable satisfaction of the principal of Queensland Pathways State College, that the prospective student's circumstances are such that they are disengaged or at real risk of becoming disengaged from education in mainstream schooling.
Such matters are unique to each prospective student. However, the primary focus will be the impact of these presenting issues upon the prospective student's life—and, in particular, education to date in mainstream schooling—by experiences such as:
- mental health
- trauma
- homelessness
- financial hardship
- social isolation
- youth justice involvement
- being a refugee
- substance abuse
- medical conditions
- complex behaviour
- multiple exclusions or cancellations from mainstream schooling
- previous enrolments in multiple schools
- low literacy / numeracy skills
- years out of schooling.
Evidence of the above matters may include (but is not limited to):
- OneSchool profile
- medical documentation
- third party recommendations (government and non-government organisations)
- report cards.
The prospective student must also:
- be referred via submission of a QPSC referral form to the principal by a referring organisation
- complete an interview with a staff member and submit a completed QPSC enrolment form with the referral form to the principal
- make a commitment to, if enrolled at QPSC, to use best endeavours to complete the QPSC curriculum.
Students not deemed suitable for enrolment will be referred to their nearest state high school or appropriate educational setting to complete their senior years.
Referrals are to be made to the QPSC principal by a referring organisation (such as current school, Child and Youth Mental Health Services, Youth Justice, Non-government organisation, etc.) through the submission of a completed QPSC referral form.
The referral may be rejected by the principal if the referral:
- is not submitted on a QPSC referral form or if the referral form is incomplete
- is not through a referring organisation
- is not in relation to a young person, being an adolescent, in Year 10, 11 or 12 (minimum age 15 years)
- does not state, to the principal's satisfaction, why the student is disengaged from, or at real risk of disengagement from, education in mainstream schooling
- does not state, to the principal's satisfaction, why enrolment at QPSC is required, as opposed to enrolment at their local state school.
Subject to receipt of a QPSC referral form and an enrolment form not being rejected by the principal, a prospective student may be invited by the principal to attend an interview with a staff member of QPSC.
Should no response be received by the principal to the invitation to an interview, or on behalf of, the prospective student within the response period nominated in the invitation, it is deemed that the invitation has been declined and that the QPSC enrolment form has been withdrawn, unless otherwise determined by the principal.
The interview is between the student and a staff member of QPSC. Please note that:
- the interview is to occur 'in person', unless that is not reasonably possible, at a venue to be nominated by the principal
- the prospective student may be accompanied at the interview by a parent, guardian, or other support person
- additional individuals may attend the interview, if considered appropriate by the principal.
Enrolment decisions
Once an enrolment decision has been made by the principal, the applicant will be notified by QPSC.
The principal is responsible for all decisions regarding the school-specific enrolment requirements (as provided in this plan). The principal's decision on enrolment is final.
Review date
The plan is internally reviewed triennially and updated as required.