
Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics & Technology


Enrolment Eligibility Plan


The Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology caters for students in Years 7 to 12. The Academy offers the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IBMYP) in Years 7 to 9. Year 10 students complete an International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IBDP) preparation course of study that prepares them for the rigour and skill set required to successfully complete the IBDP. The IBDP is offered as the only curriculum framework in Years 11 and 12.

Students undergo a selective entry process prior to an offer of enrolment. The IBMYP and IBDP provide students with the opportunity of global university entry and in most cases advanced standing arrangements with universities. The IBDP is externally moderated to give assurance to universities of the high quality of graduates.


The Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology recognises as its prime obligation the provision of these specialised educational programmes for students who, through a rigorous application process, are assessed as being well placed to achieve the IB Diploma.

This plan sets out the requirements for enrolment of students at the Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology.

Enrolment capacity of the Academy

The Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology will have an agreed student enrolment capacity of 1,480 students.

Enrolment policy

Under s.156 of the Education (General Provisions) Act 2006 (the Act), a Principal must enrol a student at the school at which the student is entitled to be enrolled. Students enrolling at the Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology must be eligible for general enrolment in state schools and must also satisfy the specific enrolment criteria of the Academy set out in this plan.

General enrolment requirements for state schools

Prior to assessment against the enrolment criteria the Principal must be satisfied that a student meets the general enrolment requirements for state schools (e.g. has a remaining allocation of semesters of state education). The Principal may also refer an enrolment decision to the Director-General if a student poses an unacceptable risk to the safety or well-being of the school community. Applicants who have been refused enrolment based on the general enrolment requirements may pursue review rights under the Act as advised by the Principal.

Enrolment eligibility criteria

A student must also meet the enrolment eligibility criteria set out below for enrolment at the Academy:

  • demonstrate (via presentation of evidence at the time of application):
    • Australian Citizenship or that they are the child of an Australian citizen, or
    • Permanent Resident status or that they are the child of a permanent resident, or
    • eligibility under a Visa category that ensures the residency period allows for completion of the full International Baccalaureate Diploma programme.
  • through the application process: submit an application, provide academic evidence of school-based assessment at their previous school, sit an entrance test and complete an interview
  • demonstrate strong performance in each of the components of the application process
  • be assessed as the most suitable candidate for a vacancy through the student selection process.

A student will not be eligible for enrolment unless they have undergone assessment by the Principal.

Student selection process

Enrolment applications are to be made via the Queensland Academies Admissions Office. The Queensland Academies Admissions Office coordinates entrance tests and provides information to the Principal about the student's eligibility under the enrolment eligibility criteria.

The Principal will consider this information when determining a student's enrolment application. The Principal will also consider the general enrolment requirements and the assessment data regarding a student’s performance against the enrolment eligibility criteria for the Academy. The Principal is responsible for all decisions on enrolments and may request any additional documentation or conduct other enquiries deemed necessary to satisfy enrolment eligibility criteria.

Vacancies will be filled through a merit process. A student who demonstrates strong performance in each of the components of the applications process will be assessed for relative suitability according to a global analysis of all enrolment eligibility data, including the entrance test results, interview/experience performance and analysis of school-based assessment.

Should more than one student selection process occur in any one year, the number of enrolment places remaining from the preceding round of offers will be filled through a merit process, as per the above.

Where there is a student who was considered by the Principal to have met all enrolment eligibility criteria set out above, but who was not enrolled due to the Academy's capacity being reached, such a student will be considered for enrolment should vacancies arise in the following school year. Note: These intakes are not an option for Year 11 or 12 students. Students studying the IBDP in another school and wish to be considered for QASMT should contact the Queensland Academies Admissions office.

Siblings of current students are not eligible for automatic enrolment, and must meet the criteria of the Enrolment Eligibility Plan to be considered for enrolment.

The Academy may enrol an international fee paying student (who has met all enrolment eligibility criteria) where vacancies exist.

Note: The Academy Principal reserves the right to cease processing an application for enrolment of a future student or cease the enrolment of an existing student where entitlement to enrolment has been obtained through false or misleading statements.

Enrolment decisions

Where the Principal forms a preliminary view that an application does not satisfy the conditions for enrolment eligibility, the Manager, Queensland Academies Admissions Office, will notify applicants in writing.

Application for admission is no guarantee of an offer of enrolment and any application fee paid is non-refundable. The Principal is responsible for all decisions on selective entry enrolment and this decision on selection will be final. There is no internal review of the Principal's decision.

Review date

The Enrolment Eligibility Plan for the Queensland Academy for Science Mathematics and Technology is internally reviewed each year, and if required, updated to reflect any changes to enrolment capacity.

Last updated 08 October 2020