
Physical activity and health


A suite of resources have been gathered and developed to assist parents/carers and students to implement a home-based health and physical activity program that supports their wellbeing and continues their educational development whilst unable to attend formal wellbeing and Health and Physical Education classes at school.

Resources have been collated with both the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education and federal and state health and wellbeing guidelines considered.

The department recognises that parents/carers maintain a very important role in supporting the learning and wellbeing, including physical activity of students during the period of school closure. Parental / carer daily expectations, role modelling and/or setting up for daily structured experiential health and physical activity learning is critical.

It is important to remember, the learning@home materials have been developed as additional materials, and are not a replacement for the curriculum programs that schools will provide.

Included in the learning@home curriculum resources are potential learning experiences for students.

Before using the suite of learning materials it is important, that you review any communications from your child’s school and teachers to see how these materials fit into the school’s program, and with other work set by your child’s school to complete at home.

Instructions for students and parents learning@home

With your child, regardless of what year level they are, read through the suite of topics and focus areas to decide which ones you would like to be included and explored.

Together decide how many lessons, or how much time, there is for each subject and when they are going to be completed. Create a schedule or timetable for how to work through the resources and activities over the time at home – teachers may have already set a schedule.

Make sure you have a learning space set up with the necessary tools and resources to help your child focus and learn.

Physical activity considerations

Prior to preparing and engaging in learning activities at home, consider the requirements of the activity to ensure safe participation including: physical fitness and/or competence of the participant/s, the space and equipment needed for the activity, and supervision availability.

Health activity considerations

Prior to preparing and engaging in learning activities at home, consider the nature of the content/topic being explored including: parents/carers own knowledge and understanding of the content area; making decisions on the appropriateness of the content for their children; and how the topics will be explored, be that through discussion, online activities, or other means.

Remember to check-in with your school and/or your teacher/s if you need support.

In addition to the instructions parents need to also consider that Health and physical activity at home programs should:

  • be implemented purposefully with the aim to develop the knowledge and understandings, skills that help school aged children to make informed decisions and take appropriate action to promote their own and others health, safety and wellbeing
  • be appropriate to the age and current ability of the child (adapted and modified physical activities and texts)
  • include physical activity or movement activities appropriate to the size and nature of available space
  • support healthy lifestyle focus areas of daily movement, healthy eating, respectful relationships, monitoring and managing thoughts, emotions and behaviours to promote safety (online, inside and outside the home), coping and wellbeing of self and others in the home.
Health Prep–Year 6

Wellbeing support for you and your child

Student Wellbeing Hub—Talking about sensitive topics with your child (PDF, 945KB)

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Food and nutrition

  • Life Education—resources, games, activities and songs exploring health topics including food and nutrition.
  • Nutrition Australia—healthy eating games and activities for kids.
  • Food Balance Game—Eat for Health. This game is design to help children aged between 4 and 13 years to learn about healthy eating.

Health benefits of physical activity

Relationships and sexuality


  • Kids Triple Zero—games and resources to help children understand being safe in society.
  • Journi (Department of Main Roads and Transport)—Interactive road safety program for Years 5 and 6
  • Road Safety Education program (NSW Education Department)
  • Life Education
  • Safety Puzzles—activity for students to express what safety looks like and address how you can create it together.
  • ESafety Website (Australian Government)—game to teach primary students about online safety.

Alcohol and other drugs

Physical activity Prep–Year 6
Health Years 7–12

Wellbeing support for you and your child

Student Wellbeing Hub—Talking about sensitive topics with your child (PDF, 945KB)

Mental health and wellbeing

  • Youth BeyondBlue—videos, resources and information about mental health and wellbeing.

Food and nutrition

Health benefits of physical activity

Relationships and sexuality

Alcohol and other drugs


Physical Activity Years 7–12
Last updated 16 February 2023