Online storybooks
KidLit TV
Read-aloud story books.
Storyline Online
Celebrities reading books in videos—Google Chrome only.
Storybooks available in 230 languages that can be read online, downloaded or printed—Google Chrome only.
Streaming library of read-aloud animated storybooks—1 month free.
Auslan Storytime
Auslan Storytime is aimed at children who sign or are learning to sign, and who enjoy having stories told to them in Auslan. It is compatible with iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
National Simultaneous Storytime
National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously across the country. The book is also translated and presented in Australian Sign Language (Auslan). There is also a range of supporting resources and activities linked to the book.
Online switch accessible games
Help Kidz Learn
Interactive website with switch accessible games—14 days free.
SENict software online
Interactive website with switch accessible games—1 month free.
Tar Heel Gameplay
Interactive website with switch accessible games and music video clips.
Monarch Reader
Collection of user-made books. Can be accessed using alternative access methods. Each book can be speech enabled.
Online learning
Highlights Kids
Online activities.
Live cam feeds
Mashable Australia—blog
List of zoo and aquarium live streams.
ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment
Earth viewing live streams.
Live video from the International Space Station.