
Learning resources


Additional resources and links

There are many educational websites that provide learning activities for students of all ages. To help you select relevant activities when visiting these websites look at the Prep to Year 10 Australian Curriculum Parent information webpage to see what your children will be learning in each learning area at each stage of schooling.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students and families are advised that these resources may contain images, voices, names or references to deceased persons. This may be in the form of photographs, film, audio recordings or printed material included or referenced as part of this resource.

Some of these resources contain sensitive issues for the purposes of critical study. Parents are encouraged to consider the suitability of resources for their children.


ABC Education brings thousands of free curriculum-linked resources for Primary and Secondary students and teachers.

Australian Children's Television Foundation has multimedia activities for student.

The Australian Reptile Park will run daily virtual tours and educational videos for viewing at home. The tours will show zookeepers with their favourite animals and viewers can ask questions.

Links to a range of websites to help your child achieve success. Suitable for students at all year levels.

Provides access to free education and lessons delivered in video format. Suitable for students at all year levels.

Tips and ideas to help you nurture your child's potential, with hundreds of articles on all aspects of learning and development, from the early years to the end of high school. Suitable for students at all year levels.

Learning resources for primary and secondary school aged students across all learning areas (UK based) Suitable for students at all year levels.

Teaching and learning experiences and activities categorised by age and subject/learning area. (UK based) Suitable for students at all year levels.

A free online learning platform which has lessons on everything from Maths and English to History and other topics.

Information, support and advice for parents and carers.

A variety of interactive games for students in different year levels.

SBS Learn is a library of educational resources linked to SBS documentaries, dramas, news and current affairs, sport and other productions aired on SBS and its national Indigenous TV channel NITV. SBS Learn hosts resources aligned to the Australian Curriculum.

Health and wellbeing

Activities to support respectful relationships.

Student wellbeing hub—Wellbeing topics and resources for students and parents.

Activities to help students understand everyone's responsibilities.

Fitness, food and healthy families—tools and resources for parents and children to eat well and be active.

Cybersafety in Queensland state schools (Queensland Department of Education)

Information and resources for parents and student to stay safe online.

Playing for life (Sport Australia)

Activity cards that can be selected and adjusted for a range of ages, activity focus and physical literacy elements.

Physical activity cards with traditional games of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples for students of all ages.

Online yoga exercises classes for kids.

The free NETFIT activity will be available online from Monday 23 March for 6 weeks.

Early years resources

Early learning at home (Early Childhood Education and Care)

Activities and resources designed for parents and carers to support their child’s learning at home.

Play based early childhood learning experiences.

Play based early childhood learning experiences.

Links to learning activities for preschool aged children (pre-schoolers tab).

Interactive website with a wide range of early childhood activities.

Sesame Street Youtube at home fun activities.


Fun ways to review spelling and vocabulary in the early years.

Six games to help young readers practice word recognition, spelling patterns, and letter-sound knowledge.

English and Mathematics activities that are interactive. Activities include alphabet, phonics, phonological awareness games, counting activities.

Interactive website with games including alphabet, sound to letters and CVC words.

Interactive website with games including sound to letter matching, CVC activities and interactive story books.

Interactive website for the early years focussing on alphabet, sound to letter relationships, high frequency words, vocabulary and beginning reading behaviours.

Favourite stories read by our best storytellers.

Favourite kids books read by famous people.

Interactive website helping teach kids to read—30 days free.

Reading comprehension online activities.

STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics)

The STEM Hub links to a wide range of resources to support Science, Technologies and Mathematics learning and STEM inspiration for students in Prep to Year 12.

Humanities and social sciences

Virtual field trips.

Encourages students to consider community-based issues important to them.

Educational resources and activities about Australia's parliament.

Educational resources and activities about the functions of parliament.

Educational resources and activities about Australian citizen's right to vote.

The Arts

Virtual field trip to Museum of modern art.

Smithsonian fun stuff for kids website.

Looking for activities the whole family can enjoy from home? Check out this page for resources and materials inspired by Art Sparks. Updated regularly!


Looking for activities for learning a language at home? Check the Global schools through languages hub for links to digital resources. Try out as many of the Languages learning@home activities as you can by yourself or with family members. Show off your language skills and how much you know in the worksheet activities. Remember to learn a language is to have one more window from which to look at the world—Chinese proverb.


Over 300 fun tips to make the most of your child’s first 5 years.

Literacy and numeracy resources and activities (Queensland Department of Education)

Literacy and numeracy activities that can be done at home.

Literacy and numeracy (Queensland Department of Education)
Information for parents and caregivers on what literacy and numeracy students will be doing during each phase of schooling (Prep t Year 2, ears 3 to 10, Years 11 to 12).

Parent and carer stories (Queensland Department of Education)

Parents and carers sharing their stories about how literacy and numeracy skills relate to everyday life. These videos include practical tips on what can be done at home to help children develop their literacy and numeracy skills.

Real, LOLZ, Opps or Fake (ABC Education)

This interactive is designed to get students to establish good news-reading habits by making sure they verify news publications and author credentials and cross-check with other sources before deciding whether something is ‘real’ news or not.

This interactive website provides a range of literacy activities for the early years and primary schooling.

This website provides a range of interactive games including alphabet, initial sounds, CVC blending, etc.

This website includes a range of literacy activities in the early years of schooling.

This website includes a range of interactive games including sound to letter activities, blending CVC words.

Create your own storyboard!

Engage in online literacy learning with interactive tools.

Weekly online story time!

Getting kids writing: one sentence at a time—Sentences

Work through these sheets to hone your sentence writing skills.

Getting kids writing: one sentence at a time—Paragraphs

Work through these sheets to hone your paragraph writing skills.

Getting kids writing: one sentence at a timeExtended texts

Work through these sheets to hone your extended text writing skills.


Interactive mathematics website for the early years focussing on number and place value, measurement and shapes.

Engaging, high quality videos, funny, quirky, great for all ages.

Using daring displays of algorithmic trickery, lightning calculator and number wizard Arthur Benjamin mesmerizes audiences with mathematical mystery and beauty.

IXL helps students master essential skills at their own pace through fun and interactive questions, built in support and motivating awards.

This website provides a range of interactive games including number, sorting, patterns and matching games.

A range of activities for students about consumer choices and personal finance, including budgeting, saving, spending, planning, setting goals, income tax and superannuation.

Offline activities

Providing students and young people with learning opportunities to develop and consolidate knowledge and skills is not limited to times of formal instruction by a teacher.

The best learning actively engages students and young people across a variety of contexts. Learning may take place in play situations and in real-life situations, from dressing up to changing light bulbs. There is even learning to be done in the day-to-day routines of family life if we choose to take advantage of them.

learning@home Offline activities 1

learning@home Offline activities 2

learning@home Offline activities 3

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learning@home Offline activities 7

learning@home offline activities

Accessible online resources

Online storybooks

KidLit TV
Read-aloud story books.

Storyline Online
Celebrities reading books in videos—Google Chrome only.

Storybooks available in 230 languages that can be read online, downloaded or printed—Google Chrome only.

Streaming library of read-aloud animated storybooks—1 month free.


Auslan Storytime
Auslan Storytime is aimed at children who sign or are learning to sign, and who enjoy having stories told to them in Auslan. It is compatible with iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

National Simultaneous Storytime
National Simultaneous Storytime (NSS) is held annually by the Australian Library and Information Association (ALIA). Every year a picture book, written and illustrated by an Australian author and illustrator, is read simultaneously across the country. The book is also translated and presented in Australian Sign Language (Auslan). There is also a range of supporting resources and activities linked to the book.

Online switch accessible games

Help Kidz Learn
Interactive website with switch accessible games—14 days free.

SENict software online
Interactive website with switch accessible games—1 month free.

Tar Heel Gameplay
Interactive website with switch accessible games and music video clips.

Monarch Reader
Collection of user-made books. Can be accessed using alternative access methods. Each book can be speech enabled.

Online learning

Highlights Kids
Online activities.

Live cam feeds

Mashable Australia—blog
List of zoo and aquarium live streams.

ISS HD Earth Viewing Experiment
Earth viewing live streams.

Live video from the International Space Station.

Learning from home with ipad

Learning journals

These journals provide opportunities for families to discover the power of the iPAD as a unique learning tool. These open ended, creative activities will guide students through a range of iPAD tools to support their learning. The journals are divided into 3 phases of learning: Junior (P–2), Middle (3–6) and Secondary (7–10). Click the links below to access the journals.



P–2 learning phase journal for iPad use.

P–2 learning phase journal (.pdf version).

3–6 learning phase journal for iPad use.

3–6 learning phase journal (.pdf version).

7–10 learning phase journal for iPad use.

7–10 learning phase journal (.pdf version).

Note: If you are viewing on a Mac or an iPad, select the interactive pages file, on other devices you will need to click on the PDF option and note it will not be interactive.

Teaching and learning from home—suggested list of applications.

These suggested applications cover a range of curriculum areas suited to a child’s phase of learning.



A suggested list of educational apps: Preschool, Primary and High School.

Note for parents/carers: This list is a guide only and it is recommended that parents/carers actively monitor their child’s use of these applications. ​

Last updated 12 March 2025