


​​A suite of curriculum resources is available providing learning opportunities for students to continue their learning while not being able to access a school. These materials are designed as a support tool for students to continue their learning and engage in familiar activities essential to their learning and wellbeing.

Learning packages

Learning packages for students to complete away from school at their own pace are available for download. These units of work are based on the typical work students would be learning at school and are aligned to the Australian Curriculum.

The learning@home materials have been developed as additional materials, and are not a replacement for the curriculum programs that schools will provide.

Before using these materials it is important that you review any communications from your child’s school and teachers to see how these materials fit into the school’s program, and with other work set by your child’s school to complete at home.

Parent support materials

Parent support materials for Prep to Year 6 are also available to provide additional activities that can be used with the learning packages. These support materials could also be used as standalone resources. They contain English and Mathematics resources.

Instructions for students and parents learning@home

These learning packages include a lesson overview, lesson plans, activity sheets and resources intended to be completed sequentially. The mathematics topic map​ provides a high level overview of what is covered in each package.

With your child, regardless of what year level they are, read through the units of learning to find out how many lessons are included, where there are instructions to be followed, icons to note or resources that could be printed or downloaded. Read any helpful information sections to get a sense of what needs to be completed.

Together decide how many lessons there are for each subject and when they are going to be completed. Create a schedule or timetable for how to progressively work through the sequence of lessons and activities—teachers may have already set a schedule.

Make sure you have a learning space set up with the necessary tools and resources to help your child focus and learn. You may like to create a chart or list to check off as lessons and activities are completed.

Remember to ask your school and/or your teacher/s if you need support.

Copyright of materials

Copyright in the C2C Materials is owned by, or in the case of some third party materials, licensed to, the State of Queensland. Apart from use authorised by the licence or permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all rights are reserved.

C2C materials are made available only under the terms of the C2C​ licence.

Unzipping files

The units of work must be unzipped prior to use. If they are not unzipped, links will not be accessible.

The instructions on how to unzip the lesson packages are available:

Note: Mac OS automatically unzips the package upon download.


Learning packages

Last updated 05 February 2025