During Years 3–10 young people begin to investigate the world beyond home and school and are required to become more independent learners.
Literacy and numeracy are again prioritised across these years of schooling. The Australian Curriculum continues to build the essential knowledge and skills in literacy in Years 3–6, with students consolidating 'learning to read and write' through English. Students also increasingly use their literacy skills for 'reading and writing to learn' in other learning areas.
The development of specific mathematical skills and knowledge are similarly progressed across the curriculum. Students use these skills in learning across the curriculum to both enrich the study of other learning areas and contribute to the development of broader and deeper numeracy skills.
In Years 7–10, the Australian Curriculum continues to provide opportunities for students' English knowledge, skills and understanding to be practised, consolidated and extended. Students analyse and construct increasingly sophisticated text types, including multimodal texts, in various genres and modes.
The Mathematics curriculum draws on previously established mathematical ideas to solve non-routine problems and develop more complex and abstract ideas. It lays the foundations for future studies, including introducing all students to the benefits of algebra and applications of geometry.
If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress please contact your child's teacher.