
Prep to Year 2


In the first years of school, children learn through interactions with others, experimentation, scaffolding, explicit teaching, practice and play in the classroom and beyond. Your child's teacher will identify what they already know and can do, and will extend their knowledge and skills through new and challenging situations.

An important aim of the Prep year is to build on your child's previous experiences with new and different learning opportunities at school. Teachers help students to connect their home language with spoken and written English used in the classroom and other environments.

The development of students' literacy and numeracy skills is a very important component of the Australian Curriculum from Prep to Year 2. This is because literacy and numeracy are the foundations for further learning. Student's literacy skills are mostly built in English and their numeracy skills in mathematics, but both are reinforced and strengthened through all their learning.

In English, students listen, read, view, speak and write in a broad range of activities. They are explicitly taught strategies for beginning reading, writing and spelling. They learn how to speak and write in different situations and read a range of texts for different purposes.

In mathematics, students develop a sense of number, order, sequence, pattern and position using their environment. They are introduced to mathematical symbols and language so that they can investigate and solve simple problems, explain their ideas, pose questions and analyse and make sense of information.

If you have any questions or concerns about your child's progress please contact your child's teacher.

Last updated 02 October 2018