
One-to-one models


There are a variety of models schools can consider when designing 1-to-1 student device programs.


A 1-to-1 program may be implemented across a whole school, specific year levels or (particularly in early stages) specific classes.

It's important to remember that while devices can be used across most or all curriculum areas, not every learning experience will involve a device or digital resource. Teachers should choose the best methods to help students learn particular processes, concepts or skills.

In developing a 1-to-1 program, schools are encouraged to engage students and families in the planning stages. High levels of participation are important for 1-to-1 programs to succeed. Successful programs will encourage higher participation—creating an effective cycle.

There should also be options provided to ensure non-participating students are not disadvantaged in the delivery of curriculum. This may include an equity pool of school-owned devices for loan at school and/or at home.

Ownership and financing

Schools may implement 1-to-1 programs where devices are purchased, managed and owned by the school, owned by families/students, or a combination of these. Ownership and financing models used in Queensland state schools fall under 2 broad categories: school-provided (including co-contribution) and bring your own device (BYOx).

Where there is a buy-back option included in a school's lease (hire) agreement of school items or equipment, GST maybe applicable on hire charge fees.

Please contact the department's Taxation team for further advice on 1300 656 380 or

School-provided (including co-contribution)

School-provided means the school purchases the device and maintains ownership throughout the program period, but allocates it to a specific student. Families may be invited to co-contribute to the cost of the device and/or supporting resources/services (e.g. through a ‘take home' program) and there may be an agreement that students can acquire the device at the end of the program.

Schools adopting a co-contribution approach may support this through a Student Resource Scheme. Schools may also offer devices for loan from an equity pool and allow these to be taken home or only used at school.

This model offers consistency of experience and efficiency of management. School-provided devices may include the department's Managed Operating Environment which makes the provision of software and technical support easier

Bring your own device (BYOx)

BYOx means students bring their own digital devices to school, for the purposes of learning. The BYOx model provides choice and flexibility. Schools may encourage students to bring a device they already own or families may be encouraged to purchase a device. Schools may also outline the minimum specifications for devices and/or stipulate specific device types and models.


In deciding which option(s) to choose, schools should consider a range of available funding sources to support their program, including:

Device selection

The decision about what device students should use in a 1-to-1 program involves careful consideration of the learning purposes for the program, the needs and attributes of students, the capabilities and practices of teachers and the technology infrastructure available. Below are some device selection models commonly used in Queensland state schools.

School-selected device

Schools may identify a specific device to be used in the program after careful research and consultation. The benefits of this model include cost efficiency (if purchased through bulk arrangements), consistent experience for students and staff, efficiency of technical support and the suitability of technology for intended teaching and learning uses.

Range of devices

Schools may identify a range of devices that meet the needs of the program. This model offers a combination of consistency and flexibility. Some schools that have adopted a BYOx model, will work with vendors to secure purchase offers for families (including those offered through vendor portals).


Rather than identifying a specific device, schools may provide a set of specifications that families can use when furnishing or purchasing a device under a BYOx model. The specifications may describe minimum processor power, memory, data storage and graphics/display resolution, as well as specific operating systems and hardware platforms that are supported.

When developing the specifications, schools should consider the intended learning uses, teacher capability and the capacity of families to participate. ​Technologies that can be supported to connect to the department's network at the school should also be considered.

Optional/additional devices

Schools may allow students to bring a device of their own choosing to school for educational use, in addition to (or instead of) devices identified for the 1-to-1 program. Schools develop policies and procedures to ensure appropriate and safe use of any devices that is connected to the department's network.

Last updated 10 January 2025