In consultation with their community, schools decide whether students will access and/or use devices on a 1-to-1 basis. Schools consider a number of key drivers, which include:
- learning—improving teaching and learning outcomes for our students
- community—meeting the needs and expectations of the school community
- technology—ensuring a safe, reliable and effective use of digital tools, resources and environments.
State schools in Queensland seek to deliver a high equity, high quality early childhood and education system which provides a strong start for all children and supports every student to realise their potential. Equity and Excellence: realising the potential of every student includes the system initiative of digital innovation in teaching and learning. This initiative includes 5 actions:
Learning and connectivity | - Connect all students to digital learning opportunities through access to devices and technology
Teaching capability and confidence | - Deliver the Australian Curriculum
- Enhance the capability and confidence of teachers in digital teaching and learning
Improving access | - Establish a virtual academy to enhance access across the state to teaching expertise
School performance | - Streamline access to data insights and evidence to inform system, regional and school planning and responses
Schools consult with their community when designing their 1-to-1 programs and can consider a range of factors.
Ownership and financing | - Choose device models that support family participation
- Choose device models that encourage students to take responsibility for devices as a tool for learning
- Ensure the program is supported by the community and can be sustained over time
Device selection | - Balance individual choice with effectiveness/efficiency
- The capacity of the school to support different/specific devices
- Strengthen the collaboration between the school and families
Equity | - Ensure no student is disadvantaged because of individual abilities, needs or circumstances
Schools consider the best design and mix of digital tools, resources and environments to ensure the success of the program and its participants.
Platforms and applications | - Use appropriate technologies to ensure students enjoy reliable, relevant and safe learning experiences
- Manage student devices on the network so they can connect easily and securely
Connecting safely | - Maximise students' safety while working digitally
- Develop students' digital citizenship and cybersafety knowledge and skills