'Each individual child, regardless of their background, comes to school with a unique set of strengths that can be developed into great talent.' – Yong Zhao
Every school focusing on equity and excellence
We are setting system priorities and clear expectations for schools with differentiated support targeted to each school’s context and needs.
Through clear priorities and expectations, we assist schools to effectively plan local strategies to respond to student and community needs.
Queensland consists of diverse regions and communities with distinct characteristics which we celebrate and respect. Regional perspectives and school context play an invaluable role in identifying school support needs.
Our approach includes a focus on improving outcomes for First Nations students.
A strong understanding of each school’s needs supports high expectations of equity and excellence and informs responsive, differentiated support. Clear feedback helps schools know how they are going and where improvement efforts are best directed.
Our system actions to strengthen educational performance and support:
- implement a renewed educational performance and support model
- provide differentiated support leveraging expertise across the system to assist all schools to lift outcomes
- align and streamline school planning processes
- revitalise the school review process to support systemic improvement
- review state schooling resourcing arrangements.
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