School and student data collection
Enrolment — The department takes two main snapshots of state school enrolments in February and August. The most recent
state school enrolments (PDF, 1.1MB) is available with additional time-series presentations.
Attendance — Student attendance is measured and reported by the department as a rate, based on comparing the number of school days attended to the total possible days attended.
Disciplinary absences — State schools are required to report School Disciplinary Absences (SDA) for the school year in their
school annual report. There are five categories of SDA: short suspension, long suspension, exclusion, cancellation and charge suspension.
Class size — Data is drawn from two class size snapshots (primary and secondary) in the first half of each year.Data from the snapshots are used to measure the proportion of classes at or under class size targets, and for determining the average class sizes in state schools.
school and student data collected by the department include:
- school opinion survey
- next step post-school destination survey
- Year 12 completers survey
- early school leavers survey.