Career education is concerned with the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes through a planned program of learning experiences in education and training settings which will assist students to make informed decisions about their life, study and/or work options and enable effective participation in working life.
Useful career education websites for teachers and students:
myfuture External link
Australia's career information service
TAFE Queensland External link
Queensland's largest provider of vocational education and training
Australian Qualifications Framework External link
Detailed information about the qualifications framework
Graduate Careers Australia External link
Students and graduates can explore options for further study, find vacation work, write a winning job application and resume, and investigate work in different industries
Career Development External link
A range of links to websites available to help with career development
Queensland Government—Work and Career External link
Resources for youth about finding a job, pay, rights at work, career advice and money management
Queensland Skills Gateway External link
Students can explore training courses, training providers, occupations and eligibility for subsidised training
myQCE External link
Access for students to their Queensland Curriculum Assessment Authority (QCAA) learning account, as well as information to help them plan their education and training pathway by exploring further study, training and career options
Be Work Smart (PDF, 4.3MB) External link
Resources to assist young people with a pre-employment skills checklist and videos showing what new employers are looking for in their business
The Good Careers Guide External link
An in-depth look at a range of occupations and their education and training pathways—available as an app, electronic book or a print resource to purchase
Master Builders Australia External link
Information on the range of careers available in the building and construction industry
Choose your own health career External link
Resources designed for students, career practitioners, VET coordinators and parents to highlight job opportunities in the health sector which can be achieved with vocational education and training—from entry level roles to more senior positions
Training Queensland External link
Information on all aspects of education, skills and training in Queensland to support employment and economic priorities
Job Access External link
Workplace and employment information for people with a disability
So You Can External link
Resources to help prepare job seekers to become job ready, obtain and maintain employment
Skillsroad External link
An initiative of the Australian Chamber of Commerce and provides resources for students, parents and teachers ready to start a career journey
Job Jumpstart External link
Helps students explore careers and prepare for work using a number of online tools
CareerMe External link
Information about a free app for smartphones and tablets to help young people plan career paths and find job opportunities
My Big Tomorrow External link
Resources that aim to inspire young people to think more broadly about their future careers