To assist schools in the development and delivery of programs and strategies for gifted and talented students.
Regional officers assist schools to meet the needs of gifted students by leading or coordinating professional learning and by providing advice and support to schools and teachers.
Duration of program
State schools
Allocation of funds
Budgets are allocated to regions on the basis of student enrolments and total overall available budget. Regions then manage these funds as follows.
Metropolitan South region
- No payments are made to schools. Funding is held by the region to deliver the program outcomes.
Metropolitan North region
- Funding is held by the region to deliver the program outcomes.
- Funds may be distributed to schools to support program activities dependent on program priorities.
South East region
- Funding is held by the region to deliver the program outcomes.
- A small portion of funding may be paid to schools to assist with building capability.
Darling Downs South West region
- Program funding is used by the region to deliver the program outcomes.
- A small portion of funding may be paid to schools to assist with Teacher Relief Scheme (TRS) for teachers to attend training and forums.
North Coast region
- Funds are held by the region to manage the program outcomes.
- A small portion of funding may be paid to schools to assist with building capability.
Central Queensland region
- No payments are made to schools. Funding is held by the region to deliver the program outcomes.
North Queensland region
- Funds are held by the region to support program delivery outcomes.
- Some funds are distributed to schools to manage.
Far North Queensland region
- The region may use funding to provide targeted programs directly or through the distribution of funds to schools or organisational units to engage staff and students.
Payment details
Payments to schools are made at various times throughout the year, based on available data, and are included in the monthly payments to schools.
Data requirements
Data requirements will depend on the individual regional allocations.
How to apply
Access to funding under this program will depend on the specific regional funding allocation models. Please contact your local regional office for further information.
Further Information
For further information, refer to
gifted and talented education or the contact details below.
Central Queensland
Phone: (07) 4842 8300
Darling Downs and South West
Phone: (07) 4616 3771
Far North Queensland
Phone: (07) 4037 3822
Metropolitan North
Phone: (07) 3634 0952
Metropolitan South
Phone: (07) 3028 8052
North Coast
Phone: (07) 3203 9000
North Queensland
Phone: (07) 4758 3222
South East
Phone: (07) 5656 6688