The National Agreement on Closing the Gap commits government to work in an unprecedented way with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, to overcome inequalities and achieve life outcomes equal to all Australians. Closing the Gap is everyone’s business.
The LCETC model aims to assist the Department of Education to work with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to elevate their voices and utilise cultural protocols and knowledges in schools through a process of co-design.
The phases of engagement are respectful of, and informed by, local community expertise that is underpinned by
Narrative Therapy and Community Work principles to help guide discussions and outcomes.
Identified state schools
LCETC model phases
The LCETC model aims to improve outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students in Queensland state schools.
The LCETC model is a strategic approach to assist schools to establish, maintain and leverage relationships with the local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community to co-design programs of work that will assist Indigenous students to succeed at school.
The LCETC model defines 7 phases of co-design:
- Phase 1: Information sharing—share information about opportunities, deliverables and engagement processes.
- Phase 2: Connect with community—conversations with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples regarding ways to improve student educational outcomes.
- Phase 3: School and community consultation—through the creation of culturally safe spaces, information and stories are shared that will shape responses and direction for the next phase.
- Phase 4: Response to community—responses are shaped based on the information shared, proposed steps forward are offered and nominations are called for to form a community/school Local Community Education Body (LCEB).
- Phase 5: Co-design governance model—project plans are drafted with Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples that aim to improve educational outcomes for Aboriginal students and Torres Strait Islander students.
- Phase 6: Launch and implement—build and strengthen relationships between school and community to create the scope for systemic change.
- Phase 7: Evaluate and review—assess co-designed initiatives.
LCETC model objectives
LCETC model objectives include:
- Achievement in English and mathematics—increase the proportion of Aboriginal students and Torres Strait Islander students achieving a C or above in English and mathematics.
- Maximise learning days
- reduce the number of Aboriginal students and Torres Strait Islander students receiving multiple school disciplinary absences
- improve the attendance of Aboriginal students and Torres Strait Islander students.
- Supporting every student with a plan to stay on track to attainment and meaningful post-school pathways
- increase retention of Aboriginal students and Torres Strait Islander students from Year 10 to 12
- increase the level of successful Year 12 completion and attainment for Aboriginal students and Torres Strait Islander students
- increase the proportion of Aboriginal students and Torres Strait Islander students transitioning into a meaningful pathway post schooling.
- Improve the proportion of educators who strongly agree they are confident in embedding cultural perspectives.
Allocation of funds
An overall budget of $21,673,923 (2021–2023 school years) was allocated for the pilot project.
Up to $500,000 remains available for schools wishing to work with their local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities during the 2024 and 2025 school years to:
- establish a LCEB and co-design approaches to improving educational outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students (phases 1–5)
- deliver enrichment activities, school transport, and cultural access or capability training (phases 6 and 7).
How to apply
Prior to any formal application, please contact the Manager of the Engagement and Partnerships Team, First Nations Strategy and Partnerships to confirm detailed requirements around community engagement, school readiness and up-to-date funding availability.
Schools developing a LCEB for the first time
Submit the following:
- a letter of commitment from the school principal to work through the LCETC process towards shared decision-making
- a letter of commitment from a representative of the local Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community to work through the LCETC process towards shared decision-making
- an (existing or proposed temporary) Aboriginal staff member and/or Torres Strait Islander staff member to lead the community engagement process during 2024.
Schools with an existing LCEB or other existing representative group meeting the requirements
The existing group will need to submit a copy of their:
- membership
- terms of reference
- plan including the proposed activity’s
- budget
- timeline
- purpose and link to LCETC model objectives.
Engagement and Partnerships Team
First Nations Strategy and Partnerships