
Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art and In Residence programs



Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art (The Awards)

To assist schools to coordinate annual regional exhibitions which recognise and promote excellence in senior visual art education throughout Queensland state and non-state schools.

In Residence

To support teachers to participate in a supervisory role at the In Residence 3-day live program in Brisbane. Scope may be provided for some professional development opportunities.

Duration of program



Any state or non-state school may offer to coordinate their regional exhibition for the Awards, or express interest in participating as a supervisor for In Residence.

Allocation of funds

The Awards

One school from each region will coordinate the regional exhibition annually. The school is provided the following funding to assist in the event coordination:

  • regional exhibition allocation: $3,000
  • regional coordinator TRS: 2 TRS days.

Schools that are selected to judge the awards are required to attend Central Office to review all submissions. The school is provided the following funding to assist with replacement of offline teachers:

  • Judges TRS: up to 2 TRS days.

The amount of TRS is determined by the number of submissions and the amount of time required to judge submissions.

In Residence

Supervisors will be selected based on student participation numbers and locations. Generally, up to 5 supervisors may be required for 3 to 4 days each in Brisbane. The school is provided the following funding to support a teacher's participation.

  • Supervisor TRS: up to 4 days TRS, depending on arrival and departure requirements.
  • Return flights (if located more than 3 hours' drive from Brisbane CBD).
  • Accommodation for up to 4 nights, dependant on student supervision requirements.
  • Main meals throughout the program duration.

Payment detail

Payment During the month of Proportion of allocation paid
Region exhibition allocationMay/June100%
Judges TRS paymentSeptember100%
Regional coordinator TRS paymentMay/June100%
In Residence Supervisor TRS payment, travel, accommodation and meals (as required)November/December100%

Recoupment process

The Awards

Funds are paid on the basis that they will be used to manage the regional exhibition and opening event. Recoupment may be sought if the Regional Coordinator indicated the program funding was not spent.

In Residence

Travel, accommodation and catering will be organised by the department. Recoupment may be sought if selected supervisor cancels and a suitable replacement cannot be found.

How to apply

The Awards

All schools that coordinated the regional exhibition the previous year are offered to continue to coordinate the exhibition in the following year. If a school declines the offer, the program manager will send out an EOI to all other schools in that region/s.

Where multiple schools from the same region express interest, the program manager will determine the successful school based on suitability to coordinate the event.

In Residence

All schools of selected student participants will be offered first option to express interest in providing a supervisor for the respective program. Supervisors are intended to be Visual Art teachers or HODs and the contact teacher of the successful submission/s selected from their school.

If an insufficient number of schools who have student participants express interest, all schools who submitted into the program for that year will be offered the opportunity to express interest in providing a supervisor for the respective program.

Further information

For further information, please refer to the Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art page or the contact details below.


Program Manager
Creative Generation Excellence Awards in Visual Art
Strategic Communication and Engagement
P​hone: (07) 3328 6619

Last updated 06 February 2025