To assist schools to replace staff who attend Highly Accomplished Teacher (HAT) and Lead Teacher (LT) assessor training workshops, and assessors eligible for Teacher Relief Scheme (TRS) who are required to undertake assessments while currently working in schools.
Duration of program
State schools with an eligible HAT and LT assessor.
Allocation of funds
Funds are paid at the current rate of TRS. Funds are paid in arrears for days used for HAT or LT assessor training and assessment.
Payment details
Term 1 | April | 100% |
Term 2 | June | 100% |
Term 3 | October | 100% |
Term 4 | January | 100% |
Adhoc* – where data for the term payment is not received to meet the payment deadline, an adhoc payment to the school may be made to meet program guidelines.
Data requirements
Assessor training days and assessment schedules | Assessor master data spreadsheet | As required |
How to apply
Schools do not need to apply for this funding. Schools with HAT and LT assessors will be contacted by the program owner for teacher usage throughout the year.
Teacher Expertise Team
Capability Branch
Phone: (07) 3513 6537