



KindyLinQ is a targeted program designed to enhance children's wellbeing prior to school and strengthen the capability of families to support their children's learning and development. It provides an opportunity for the host school to forge strong and supportive links between home, early childhood services and the community.

KindyLinQ is a strategy to support a 'soft' entry to kindergarten for families who may not yet have considered enrolling in an approved kindergarten program. It targets children in the year prior to kindergarten.

Funding paid under this appropriation applies to a calendar year (paid in 2 semester payments) to schools implementing the KindyLinQ program to registered children. Funding paid under this appropriation must be used as allocated to meet mandatory program requirements (particularly staffing levels within schools).

Funds cannot be redirected to purposes outside those identified in this appropriation without central office approval.

Duration of program



Locations are selected in consultation with regions and schools using a range of data (spatial modelling), including Australian Early Development Census vulnerability data. In addition, regions also used contextual factors to select schools such as 'greenfield' communities.

Critical success factor (used to identify the schools within locations):

  • School principals are committed and have capability and capacity to lead the work in their community.
  • Placement in communities that are not already over-saturated with family services (that families utilise).
  • Capability of principal, teacher and community worker to build relationships that support a partnership approach.
  • Flexibility to adapt program location and schedule to meet the needs of families.
  • The teacher has the skills and knowledge (or ability to quickly acquire) to embed the principles, practices and outcomes from the Early Years Learning Framework into the KindyLinQ program.
  • Commitment to recognising the ongoing role families play in building their children's capabilities.

Allocation of funds

A total of 40 schools have been identified to participate in this program.

Identified schools implementing the program will receive funding calculated based on the employment of 0.2 FTE teacher and 0.3 FTE early years support coordinator for the 2024 calendar. Below is the breakdown of the funding amounts.

Registered teacher (Band 3.4) 0.2 FTE—2024 calendar year$25,525Per annum
Early years support coordinator (A03) 0.3 FTE (role description job evaluation number 19492)—2024 calendar year$28,722Per annum
December holiday pay 30 days (for continuing 2023 schools)
  • Registered teacher (Band 3.4) 0.2 FTE
  • Early years support coordinator (A03) 0.3 FTE
Per annum
One-off resource grant (new school only)$5,000One-off
Consumables$1,000Per annum

In 2024, schools can work in consultation with the region to determine the staffing structure for their KindyLinQ program.

The most current Human Resources (HR) salary schedule, at the time of payment, will be used to determine the entitlement for the salaries components of this funding.

Schools are required to record all KindyLinQ expenditure (salaries and consumable costs in a school related KindyLinQ cost centre).

Payment details

PaymentDuring month ofProportion of allocation paid
Semester 1January monthly payment current year50%
Semester 2May monthly payment current year50%
AdhocIn line with the monthly payment50%

Adhoc payments will be made where new host schools commence after the semester payment is finalised.

Payments are made in advance (e.g. Semester 1 payment made in January and Semester 2 payment made in May current year).

Data requirements

Host schools implementing the program are required to submit program data as requested by regions and central office including (but not limited to):

Data itemData sourceDue date
Commencement dataSchool registration formsTerm 1, 2024
Weeks 5 and 10
Attendance dataSchool attendance spreadsheetsLast Friday of each term, 2024
Data snapshot reportSchool implementationLast Friday in Term 2, 2024
Kindergarten transition surveyTransition surveyLast Friday in Term 4, 2024

Recoupment policy

Funding is provided to schools to implement the KindyLinQ program and is paid on the basis that eligible children are registered and attending the program. Where a school has been identified and received funding and not implemented the program in line with the KindyLinQ Return on Investment Thresholds, a recoupment will be made as per the guidance note, recoupment of KindyLinQ resourcing.

Documents are available upon request by emailing

How to apply

There is no application required for this funding. Schools will be identified in consultation with regions and principals. Entitlements will be automatically calculated and paid on a 6 monthly basis.

For further information, please refer to the KindyLinQ webpage​. Alternatively, please contact the manager for quality early learning.


K-2 Strategy, Early Childhood
Phone: (07) 3328 6799

Last updated 24 January 2025