To assist schools with planned and unplanned school maintenance requirements.
- Planned maintenance includes identified scheduled maintenance (e.g. replacing carpet, repainting).
- Unplanned maintenance includes repairs and breakdown.
Duration of program
All state school facilities are eligible, excluding Public Private Partnership (PPP) schools.
School principals and their communities can use either maintenance delivery option listed below.
- QBuild delivery: Use QBuild (Department of Energy and Public Works) to deliver all maintenance services.
- Direct to Market (D2M) delivery: School sources and manages local contractors to deliver planned and unplanned maintenance. In selecting this option, schools must adhere to all associated departmental policies, procedures and guidelines.
The funding allocation is provided to schools either notionally (QBuild delivery) or deposited directly to the school bank account (D2M delivery).
Schools are required to nominate their maintenance delivery option in May each year to their regional infrastructure team to facilitate advice to QBuild (for QBuild delivery) and scheduling of the July appropriation (for D2M delivery).
Expenditure guidelines
Schools should follow the processes set out in the
school asset maintenance procedure.
Schools report on planned maintenance expenditure through OneSchool cost centre 2067 and emergency routine breakdown maintenance through cost centre 2068.
Allocation of funds
An annual budget is allocated to schools based on the following factors and weightings, and includes a base minimum of $15,000. This model has been designed to provide a fair and reliable distribution mechanism.
- Asset Replacement Value (ARV)—30%
- Gross Floor Area (GFA)—50%
- Utilised GFA (Enrol/capacity x GFA)—10%
- Enrolment—10%
A locality index is applied to ensure that a school in a more remote area, where maintenance costs are higher, receives a proportionately higher allocation.
The allocation is not split into planned and unplanned components; however, it is generally appropriate for these categories to be divided 50/50. Schools may adjust this division dependent on their individual needs, historical data and generally work with their infrastructure advisor to determine an appropriate division.
A contingency budget is proportionately provided to, and is managed by, the infrastructure team within each region. Contingency funding is allocated to schools on a case-by-case basis, where a specific need is identified. Schools apply for contingency funding through their Regional Infrastructure Advisor.
Payment details
Data requirements
Gross Floor Area (GFA) | Infrastructure | As required |
Asset Replacement Value | Finance Branch | As required |
Locality Index | Centre Information System (CIS) | As required |
Enrolment | OneSchool (OS) data maintained by schools | February |
How to apply
Schools do not need to apply for these funds as their allocation is calculated automatically.
Schools are informed of their annual allocation in July each year. QBuild is advised of those schools that have selected QBuild delivery, along with their notional allocation. D2M schools have their allocation deposited directly to the school bank account.
Maintenance and Improvement
Infrastructure Operations
Phone: (07) 3034 4531