
State Delivered Kindergarten appropriation



State Delivered Kindergarten (SDK) provides children in rural and remote and other selected communities, where there have been barriers to accessing kindergarten, the opportunity to attend a face-to-face kindergarten program delivered by a prescribed state school.

Funding paid under this appropriation must be used as allocated to meet mandatory program requirements (particularly staffing levels within schools).

Funds cannot be redirected to purposes outside those identified in this appropriation without central office approval.

Duration of program



Schools prescribed under Schedule 4 of the Education (General Provisions) Regulation 2017 may be eligible to receive a funding allocation under each of the below categories. All SDK schools may receive capability building support at the discretion of the regions.

Allocation of funds—​​​SDK schools not resourced under the allocative resourcing methodology

Funds below apply to a calendar year for SDK schools established under the remote kindergarten initiative where kindergarten is delivered by the existing classroom teacher, in a composite or multi-age class setting, with support from a teacher aide.

Per 0.5 full-time equivalent (FTE) registration$50.25Per annum
Consumables$1,000Per annum
Teacher aide allowance (20 hours per week)$48,963Per annum
Administration time allowance (2 hours per week/casual)$5,142Per annum
Initial kindergarten equipment – program establishment$10,000One-off (eligible schools only*)
Supplementary kindergarten equipment – SDKs in discrete Indigenous communities$2,000One-off
Supplementary kindergarten equipment – all other SDKs in operational schools$1,000One-off
Additional teacher FTE and/or additional teacher aideVarious, based on current salary scheduleNegotiated with central office

*Eligible schools have been prescribed to deliver kindergarten and have not previously received the one-off equipment grant. This funding allocation is to purchase age-appropriate equipment and resources to establish a kindergarten program.

OneSchool revenue account 112800 and expense account 207200 are to be used for payment and expenditure of funds under this appropriation.

Teacher aide, inclusion support and the administration allowance are paid on a pro-rata basis if the program is not offered for a full school year.

Where the acceptance of kindergarten registrations exceeds the department's target class size, the school's classroom capacity or service approval requirements, schools may apply—in consultation with their regional office—for an additional 0.55 teacher FTE resource or additional teacher aide hours to establish an extra composite class or an extra kindergarten delivery group. Allowance is paid on a pro-rata basis if the teacher or teacher aide is not required for the full school year.

Allocation of funds – all SDK schools

Inclusion supportVariousNegotiated with central office
Capability buildingVariousNegotiated with central or regional office

A contribution towards the costs associated with the upgrading of qualifications of current SDK staff or travel for principals, teachers and teacher aides to attend capability building opportunities may be paid to any SDK school as determined by the relevant region or central office.

Allocation of funds – SDK schools in discrete Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander communities approved to offer extended kindergarten hours

Additional teacher and/or teacher aide, equipment and consumablesVarious, based on current salary schedule and negotiated with central officeOne-off

Resourcing for the implementation of extended kindergarten hours will be determined by the relevant region in consultation with the school and approved by central office prior to payment.

Payment details

PaymentDuring month ofProportion of allocation paid
AnnualMarch, May, September and November—determined by registrations100% or pro-rata
One-off – initial establishmentIn line with monthly payments—determined by registrations100%
One-off – supplementary kindergarten equipmentIn the next scheduled monthly payment100%
Capability building—on attendanceIn the next scheduled monthly paymentNegotiated with central or regional office
Inclusion support payments
In line with monthly paymentsNegotiated with central office
Implementation of extended kindergarten hoursIn the next scheduled monthly paymentNegotiated with central office

Data requirements

Data itemData sourceDue date
Number of kindergarten children registeredOneSchool data extractionFebruary (Term 1)
April (Term 2)
August (Term 3)
October (Term 4)

Recoupment policy

Funds are paid on the basis that eligible kindergarten children are registered in OneSchool and attending the kindergarten program. Recoupment may be sought if the payment was made based on incorrect data, in error or where kindergarten children are non-attendees or exit the school resulting in the kindergarten program at the school ceasing part way through the year.

Management of funds in accordance with OneSchool revenue and expense accounts referenced above will be monitored. Funds not expended for the purpose allocated may also be recouped. All recoupment scenarios will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

A detailed payment and recoupment policy is available upon request. Email for assistance.

Further information

For further information, please refer to State Delivered Kindergarten or the con​tact ​details below.


K–2 Strategy
Early Childhood
Phone: (07) 3513 5265

Last updated 19 February 2025