To assist schools and regions to meet legislative requirements, enhance curriculum support for kindergarten-aged children attending kindergarten programs to support capability and wellbeing of school staff and to meet the operational costs associated with school-based itinerant staff supporting the delivery of State Delivered Kindergarten (SDK) programs.
Duration of program
State schools that have itinerant Heads of Department (HoDs) SDK based at their facility who travel from their base school to provide curriculum support to other (selected and approved) schools operating an SDK program for kindergarten-aged children.
Allocation of funds
Regions or central office provide funding to schools who host SDK—HoDs servicing schools delivering an SDK program. Early Childhood holds approved budget for 2025 SDK curriculum support and will negotiate with regions to determine the number of SDK—Heads of Department to be funded to support SDK delivery.
A contribution towards the costs associated with regional travel for SDK—HoDs is determined by the relevant region or central office in consultation with the school and in line with the department's travel policy.
1 FTE – teacher, heads of program (stream 2), level 1
| $80,102 Semester 1 2025
$107,536 Semester 2 2025
| Per semester
A contribution towards travel | Negotiated between central or regional office | Per semester |
Payment details
Semester 1 and 2 | Payment will be made by the end of semester 1 and/or 2 | Up to 100% of allocation negotiated with regional or central office
Data requirements
Appointment of HoD—SDK | Regional or central office advice | On appointment |
Recoupment of these funds may be required should recruitment to the position/s not be possible or if the employment of an officer ceases and is not to be re-filled.
Further information
For further information, please refer to your regional office or the K–2 Strategy Branch.
State Delivered Kindergarten
K–2 Strategy Branch
Early Childhood
Phone: (07) 3328 6799