To assist 500 aspiring teachers (across 5 cohorts) on a pathway into a teaching career in a Queensland state school through a paid internship.
Under the TTT Program, participants commence the first year of full-time study with a partnering Higher Education Institute (HEI) in an Initial Teacher Education (ITE) program. In the second year, the participants become interns and undertake an internship with a Queensland state school. In this year, the intern is allocated a supervising teacher and a teacher mentor.
Duration of program
2021–28 (Pilot year cohort commenced late 2021)
State Schools allocated a TTT Program teacher intern
Allocation of funds
TTT Program Interns are allocated to Host Schools by the TTT Project Team, for their internship year. The Interns are allocated towards the end of the year prior to their internship year.
Each Intern is allocated a Supervising Teacher and a Mentor Teacher. The allocation of Teacher Relief Scheme (TRS) days per Intern is:
- One (1) TRS day total is allocated for Mentor Teachers per Intern for the internship year.
- Four (4) TRS days total are allocated for Supervising Teachers per Intern for the internship year
Therefore, the total per Host School is 5 TRS days per Intern for the internship year.
The program will allocate half (2.5 days) of the TRS allocation in Semester 1, the remaining half (2.5 days) will be paid in Semester 2, to each eligible host school.
Payments of other expenses associated with the Internship, such as interpreter fees will be paid on an as needs basis.
Payment details
Monthly | In line with the monthly payment | 100% |
Data requirements
Evidence the TTT Intern is currently undertaking their internship at the Host School | TTT Project Team will distribute a survey to the Host School Supervising Teachers once per semester | Collected once per semester |
How to apply
Schools do not need to apply for this funding.
Further information
Further information is available on the
Turn to Teaching Internship Program page on the Teach Queensland website.
Project Manager
Employment Incentives and Pathways
Phone: (07) 3055 2863