To assist schools in the enhancement of agricultural curriculum opportunities for rural and remote state school students. The program is delivered in partnership with Queensland Virtual STEM Academy (QVSA) and Asia Education Foundation (AEF).
Duration of program
Rural and remote state schools participating in the HarvestEd Agricultural student program.
Allocation of funds
Schools located in rural and remote locations will be invited to participate in the HarvestEd Agricultural student program delivered in partnership with Queensland Virtual STEM Academy (QVSA) and Asia Education Foundation (AEF). Schools eligible to receive appropriation payments are those which have participated in program activities and incurred travel-related costs.
School entitlements – participating schools will be reimbursed through appropriation payments for travel-related costs (e.g. transport, accommodation and meal costs) and will receive Teacher Relief Scheme (TRS) to cover replacement for teachers who travel to program activities.
Payment details
On application | In line with the monthly payment schedule | 100% |
Data requirements
Evidence of expenditure for travel-related costs | Participating schools | As required |
TRS day used | Participating schools | As required |
Recoupment policy
The funds are paid based on costs incurred by schools to access program activities. Recoupment may be sought where costs are amended as a result of emergent staff or student absences.
How to apply
- Rural, Remote and Strategic Initiatives team invites schools to participate in the program.
- Schools accept the invitation, organise travel and pay all travel related costs associated with accessing program activities.
- Schools seek reimbursement of costs by providing appropriate evidence of expenditure (e.g. invoices, receipts, catering costings and TRS days) by email to
- Rural and Remote team reviews evidence of expenditure, calculates TRS costs based on appropriate daily rate and seeks Director approval for payment.
- Approved costs are reimbursed to schools in the next available SAPA pay run.
Schools are to provide evidence as soon as practicably possible and within the same financial year as the cost has been incurred.
Further information
Further information is available on the
rural and remote education page.
Rural, Remote and Strategic Initiatives
Phone: (07) 3055 2808