Schools must consider age, maturity and skill level of students when planning curriculum activities. Adjustments are required for
students with disability to support access and participation in the curriculum. Consult with the parents/carers of students with disability, or when appropriate the student, to ensure risks related to their child's participation in the activity are identified and managed.
Schools must consult current student medical information and/or health plans in accordance with the
managing students' health support needs at school procedure. Record information about any student condition (e.g. physical or medical) that may inhibit safe engagement in the activity and include specific support measures within emergency procedures.
Emergency plans and injury management procedures must be established for foreseeable incidents (e.g. catastrophic injury management).
Adult supervisors must have:
- emergency contact details of all participants
- a medical alert list and a process for administering student medication
- communication equipment suitable to conditions (e.g. mobile phone) and a process for obtaining external assistance and/or receiving emergency advice.
Safety procedures must be determined for the location (e.g. out-of-bounds areas, location of first aid support and equipment).
Access is required to
first aid equipment and consumables suitable for foreseeable incidents.
An adult with current emergency qualifications is required to be quickly accessible to the activity area. Emergency qualifications include:
HLTAID009 - provide cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) or equivalent and
HLTAID011 - provide first aid or
SISSS00118 - sports trainer level 1 or equivalent
Additionally for high risk activities
An adult with concussion management knowledge or training is required. Consult
first aid – managing head injuries
Induction is required for all adult supervisors on emergency procedures (e.g. catastrophic injury management), safety procedures (e.g. whistle signals for retrieval) and correct techniques. If the activity is conducted at an off-site facility, induction is to be informed by advice provided in consultation with expertise at the venue.
Instruction is required for students on safety procedures and correct techniques (e.g. throwing techniques).
Parent consent (DOCX, 306KB) is required for all activities conducted off-site and strongly recommended for high risk activities conducted on-site.
Principals make final supervision decisions for the activity. Sufficient adult supervision must be provided to manage the activity safely (including emergency situations).
For activities with students with a medical condition or disability that may impact on safety during the activity, consultation with parents is required prior to allocating supervision to determine the impact of students' medical condition or disability on safety during the activity.
The number of adult supervisors required to fulfil emergency and supervision roles must consider the nature of the activity, students' ages, abilities and specialised learning, access and/or health needs.
Before the activity, all adult supervisors:
- must be familiar with the contents of the CARA record
- must assess
weather conditions prior to undertaking the activity, inspecting the intended location in order to identify variable risks (e.g. wind), hazards and potential dangers.
During the activity, all adult supervisors:
- must be readily identifiable
- must closely monitor students with health support needs
- must supervise the throwing area, surrounds and landing areas at all times. Participants must not throw until these areas are clear.
- must develop and employ a process for:
- clear command signalling (e.g. whistle, call thrower names)
- ensuring no participant is in direct line of a throw (e.g. all participants on non-throwing side during a throw, participants throw down the line then move back 2 metres at the conclusion of their throw)
- must confine throwing to occur in one direction only
- must comply with control measures from the CARA record and adapt as hazards arise
- must suspend the activity if the conditions become unfavourable (e.g. poor visibility, extreme temperatures, thunderstorms)
- must not allow return throwing.
Supervisor qualifications
Principals make final decisions in determining supervisor capability (competence, relevance and currency) and are responsible for encouraging and enabling school-based activity supervisors to raise their qualifications to improve safety standards.
All adult supervisors must comply with the
working with children authority—blue cards procedure and be able to identify, and respond to, risks or hazards that may emerge during the activity.
A registered teacher must be appointed to maintain overall responsibility for the activity.
At least one adult supervisor is required to be:
Medium risk level
- A registered teacher with competence (knowledge and skills) in discus or
- an adult supervisor, working under the direct supervision of a registered teacher, with current
level 1 community coach accreditation from Athletics Australia.
High risk level
- A registered teacher with qualifications in HPE (or equivalent demonstrated capability) and with competence (knowledge and skills) in teaching discus or
- an adult supervisor, working under the direct supervision of a registered teacher, with current
level 2 club coach accreditation from Athletics Australia.
Facilities and equipment
The qualified adult supervisor of the activity, in consultation with the principal, determines the requirements for facilities and equipment appropriate to the local context.
Location must be suitable for the activity being undertaken, including sufficient space to ensure safe participation and that safety rules and procedures can be followed.
Clearly defined throwing area, surrounds and landing areas that considers the ability of the group must be used. Use highly visible markers.
Lines must be marked in accordance with the
line marking of sports fields fact sheet.
Participants must wear
personal protective equipment appropriate to the activity (e.g. appropriate footwear for the type of activity (i.e. training or competition), surface and age of participants).
Equipment must be sized to match the ability and strength of students.
Additionally for
high risk activities
Protective cages must be used when discus activities occur simultaneously with other events in the field of play. Cage requirements are found at
World Athletics technical information - manuals and guidelines (see competition and technical rules, TR35-Rule 190).
Common hazards and controls
Further to those listed, include any additional hazards and control measures considering the local context of the activity.
Biological material Body fluids (e.g. blood, saliva, sweat) |
Manage bodily substances (e.g. blood) and open wounds before, during and after the activity. Consult
infection control guidelines and Queensland Health's
exclusion periods for infectious conditions poster for hygienic practices and first aid.
Follow appropriate cleaning and hygiene management practices when using shared equipment (departmental staff search 'practical subjects cleaning equipment' in OnePortal).
Environmental conditions Weather Sun Humidity |
Ensure wind is taken into account in determining an appropriate site for the activity.
The school's
sun safety strategy must be followed.
Follow the
managing excessive heat in schools guidelines when participating in very hot or extreme heat conditions.
Ensure drink breaks occur regularly. Make water available for individual participants between drink breaks.
Dry equipment (including discuses) before each throw if conditions cause dampness.
Facilities and equipment hazards |
Control measures |
Boundary clearance |
During group instruction, position throwers at least 5 metres apart and ensure no particpant is in direct line of a throw.
Mark a throwers line and a non-throwers line at least 10 metres apart. Only particpants in the current throwing group are permitted forward of the non-throwers line.
Fast moving objects Discus |
Position left-handed throwers on the left side of the group during group instruction.
Instruct participants to check the throwing and landing areas are clear before commencing preparation to throw.
When using the turning throw technique:
- undertake group instruction to practise without a discus or with modified equipment
- use protective cages or improvised barriers (e.g. fence, nets) to undertake individual instruction with a regular discus. If cages/barriers are unavailable locate all other participants/spectators at least 15 metres directly behind the throwing area
- allow only one particpant to throw at a time.
Faulty or dangerous equipment |
Check equipment for damage before and during the activity (e.g. cracked/worn/loose rims or loose centre screws). Withdraw any damaged equipment from use. |
Throwing surface |
Conduct a field check to identify and manage surface hazards. Clear the throwing surface from loose items or debris. Do not participate on a surface that is slippery, unduly rough or chopped up.
Perform turning throws on a firm surface only, preferably concrete.
Student considerations |
Control measures |
Manual handling Lifting and carrying equipment |
Carry discuses safely. If transporting multiple discuses at one time, ensure the total weight is appropriate for the person carrying them.
Use correct
manual handling processes when lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling or carrying.
Physical exertion Exhaustion and fatigue |
warm-up/cool-down activities.
Continually monitor participants for signs of fatigue and exhaustion.
Student issues |
Remove accessories (e.g. jewellery, lanyards) before participating.
Ensure fingernails and hair and clothing (e.g. pockets, loose shirts) do not interfere with the activity.
Monitor and enforce the correct approach, throw and retrieval safety procedures.
Practise the turning throw technique without a discus or using a soft, flexible discus.
Implement procedures (e.g. roll marking mechanisms) to prevent separation from the group when participating off site.