
School food programs


​School food programs are becoming a regular feature of many schools across Queensland. Breakfast and lunch programs help to improve student health and learning outcomes and socialisation, and encourage increased attendance and performance.

Healthy eating, along with physical activity, is essential in maintaining good health and wellbeing and can improve behaviours critical to educational success and participation at school.

In 2023, the Queensland Government provided funding to 861 selected schools to support the establishment or enhancement of a school food program for their students. Grants were also paid to external organisations to work with schools to deliver food programs across the state.

New funding in 2024

3 students jumping in the air with text: Food program funding. Apply now.

In May 2024, the Queensland Government announced an additional $10.7 million in funding to support school food programs. All Queensland state schools are encouraged to apply for the funding through an expression of interest process. Applications open on 10 June 2024. For more information, principals should search for 'school food programs' on OnePortal.

Please see the school food program ​guidelines for more information on the 2024 school food program funding and how it can be used. Schools should consult with their school community to develop a model best suited to local needs and context.

Case study: Wulguru State School

Wulguru State School in North Queensland operates a breakfast club and a lunch program with the support of the school and local community. Both programs are free and open to all 233 students to support their health and wellbeing as well as their engagement with school and learning outcomes.

The breakfast club is supported by food donations from Fuel for Schools Ltd. and Woolworths at Fairfield Waters. Students can choose to eat toast with a variety of spreads, cereal and fresh fruit to get them ready for a great day of learning.

The school’s Healthy Eats committee, made up of volunteers, school staff and students, prepares and serves the food to students.

The YMCA breakfast program provides food vouchers to Wulguru State School to support both of these programs along with additional support to families in the form of vouchers for groceries.

The Eat Up lunch program is supported by Rotary who delivers sandwiches and fruit to the school for any students that need lunch to maintain a full day of learning.>

The breakfast and lunch programs help build a culture where students feel cared for and have access to fresh healthy food to maintain their wellbeing. The programs also create an opportunity to model and practice the values of kindness, sharing and care between staff and students as they come together to prepare and serve the food and then sit and eat together.

Being able to meet the basic needs for the students and provide support to their families creates a connection with the school that results in increased student attendance and engagement.

The staff and students at Wulguru State School appreciate the generous support provided from their local and broader community partners. This support enables these programs to continue to foster the health, wellbeing and learning outcomes of the students.

Children using the food program 


Children eating 


Childrean using the food program 

Last updated 19 June 2024