Chaplains and student wellbeing officers provide support across the whole school community and are optional for schools. They help to monitor school wellbeing, are an additional adult role model for students, and are involved in parent and community engagement.
Local community support is required for chaplains and student wellbeing officers to operate in a school. Student involvement in any activities offered by the chaplain or student wellbeing officer is voluntary.
Chaplains and student wellbeing officers are inclusive of, and show respect for, everyone in the school community. All activities, programs and events provided are non-discriminatory and equally available to all students.
Chaplains and student wellbeing officers are not permitted to evangelise or proselytise, nor attempt to undermine a student's beliefs.
school communities across the state have established a chaplaincy or student wellbeing officer service with the assistance of state and/or Australian Government funding through the use of school funds and/or through local community fundraising. Some schools may have a volunteer chaplain or student wellbeing officer.
Government funded programs include:
By agreement of the
chaplaincy and student wellbeing officer programs cross-sector panel, a need-based methodology was used to determine the distribution of funding to Queensland schooling sectors for 2024–27. Total funding distributed to the 3 sectors was based on Index of Community Socio-educational Advantage (ICSEA), First Nations data, geographic location and boarding facilities.
All Queensland schools were invited to apply for funding for 2024–27. The allocation of funding to schools was then determined by each schooling sector as follows:
- State schools that were funded under the previous program were prioritised, to allow for continuity of service provision. Schools on the waiting list are prioritised based on ICSEA and First Nations student population data.
- Independent schools were prioritised based on geographic location, ICSEA and First Nations student population data.
- Catholic school allocations were determined based on geographic remoteness, First Nations student population data and schools with a boarding facility. Schools on the waiting list are prioritised based on ICSEA.
All government funding for chaplaincy and student wellbeing officer services in 2024–27 is fully allocated.
The chaplaincy and student wellbeing officer services
policy statement and supporting documents provide assistance for schools implementing these services (whether funded or voluntary).
Policy statement
Chaplaincy and student wellbeing officer services policy statement
Supporting documents
Contact for further information
If you have any questions, please contact your relevant schooling authority.
Department of Education
Independent Schools Queensland
Phone: (07) 3228 1591
Queensland Catholic Education Commission
Ms Hannah Orchard
Phone: (07) 3316 5852